
Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Don't forget to stop and smell the marsh pinks. Actually, marsh pinks don't really have much of a smell, but the musk turtle does...Well, to be fair to the musk turtle (aka "stinkpot"), the books say they give off a bad odor, but I have handled a bunch of 'em and never noticed anything unpleasant. Unpleasant reptile smell is an irritated rat snake. Ugh!! Posted by Picasa


  1. You're lucky if you handled them without getting that nasty brown ooze all over your hands. Ours stink to high heaven -- even the little bitty ones!

    The last adult stinkpot I handled gave off an odor not unlike burning rubber.

    It's great fun to pull one of these turtles out during an interpretive program and watch the faces of the audience as the smell reaches them...

  2. I've always liked turtles and I'm glad I never came across any of these. I have handled a few snapping turtles that weren't very pleasant.

  3. Swamp,
    I am carefully sniffing the next one I find. Hmmm...use of the term "interpretive program" makes me think you have a park service or other conservation agency background.
    When I return to Pure Florida, I'm going to post some of my sea turtle pics.

  4. I heard that Hurricane Dennis is really ramped up. I hope you and your family are not in it's path. Stay safe, my friend. I'll be praying for you.

  5. Hick,
    Thank you so much for the kind thoughts and prayers.
    We are actually in a cabin in the north Georgia mountains on this Friday morning. Who knew they had computers and the net in cabins? I need to get out more...

    This was supposed to be a relaxing vacation, but the queen is in charge of opening hurricane shelters in our county so Dennis is causing her to stress considerably. Also I am a CERT member and this is when we get activated, so we may have to head home early.
    I can see us, the lone car heading into Florida as thousands stream out...

  6. Good luck to you guys on the west coast. I'm waiting to hear if my NG unit is going to be activated. We are supposed to go somewhere near Tallahasee, then maybe farther west if needed.

  7. Sounds like you'll wind up in Pensacola...another old home town (college) of mine. The weather is great up here in the mountains, but I hate being away and watching bright orange bands of rain (radar) move over my place. Good thing all my dogs are Labs...the webbed feet may come in handy. Take care.


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