
Saturday, July 23, 2005

My Software Has Gone Insane and I'm Not Feeling Too Good Myself...

GRRRRR! Somehow, since Wednesday, my Picasa-Hello software has turned against me. This might not seem like a big deal to non-photo blogger types, but it's putting a giant kink in what I want to do with this blog.

I'm not sure what I did to anger the Google Gods, but I am getting this message...UI failed to initialize, blah, blah, blah, reinstall..blah, blah. Been there, done that...about 30 times. No change, except in my usually pleasant personality.

Being not totally helpless, I went to the net using the error message as a google search. Surely there were geeks out there who had solved this problem. Nope, the same desperate plea showed up in post after post with the same old advice, reinstall ad infinitum.

At first it was really just a Hello problem, Picasa itself has been pretty normal. In an end run attempt, I tried to at least post a picture using the add image button on Create Post. They post, upside down and sideways, but they post...Argghhhh.

The positive side of this is I seemed to get more done on the remodeling project I have been working on. You can only uninstall and reinstall software so many times before you have to get up and go do something else, anything else...

So I'm feeling pretty crabby...I would post my pic of an angry claw waving blue crab, but...well, you know...


  1. FC, I feel your pain. I went through something quite similar -- but I didn't even get an error message. Hello teased me by appearing to work and then, boom, nothing happened -- no picture, no nothing.
    My problem seemed to resolve itself after several angst-filled days. (The only thing I did was to prevent Hello from starting automatically - don't know if that had any bearing on the outcome or not.) Perhaps you will be lucky and things will resolve themselves.

  2. Bless you Swamp...any words of encouragement are appreciated. I will not give up.

  3. I don't suppose you could use that really tall ladder of yours to solve this problem.

  4. Pablo,
    Are you suggesting I take the ladder to Google-Hello HQ and smash it through their front doors as I demand satisfaction...'cause I already thought of that.

  5. I finally gave up on Hello and began to use Photobucket for a while which worked fairly well. Now I use the "post an image" on blogspot and I never have a problem except that it takes a looooong time...curses, dial up (shakes fist in air.)

  6. I gave up on Hello also, very early in my photoblogging game. I use Photobucket. You need a way to resize the image and then it's easy to upload to Photobucket. I haven't tried Blogspot's new photo feature, but I'd give that a try. Hick, I'm on dial up too. I think we're the last two on the planet that can't get DSL.

  7. Nope Ladies, ...we are the last three on dial up. Too out for DSL or Cable and (speaking for me) too cheap for Direcway.
    Thank you both for the Photobucket tips, I will investigate.

  8. Hey FC, like Hick I've started using Blogger's "add image" button too. At first it wouldn't work, but nowdays it's going fairly well.

  9. Okay I have Photobucket. Flounder's picture was posted with it and so far so good. I see what Zanne meant about's a little big.

    I have used it too. It seemed to get confused...(or was that me), when I wanted to post more than one pic in a post. I probably just need some more practice with it. Thanks for dropping by.

  10. Jumping on the dial-up bandwagon here. The rest of the entire state gets DSL and we finally gained access just a few short months ago, BUT ... my computer is the only one still using dial-up because I'm a pathetically sappy AOL diehard and am not prepared yet, to give it up.
    I used Photobucket and have never had a problem, as long as I remember to resize the image before uploading to Pbucket.

  11. Oops... meant to say that I've recently tried the Blogger photo option and it works well too.

  12. Weary,
    I left AOL many moons a go, but I know what you are talking about. It's a pain to change internet providers, email addresses, etc.

    I am adjusting to my "Post Picasa" blogging thanks to all the good tips from you commenters. Thanks everybody!

    P.S. If you see any upside down or sideways posts, just remember I am still adjusting...


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