
Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Points, some complete, some incomplete. All from our piece of Florida. The dark one is a real mystery. Posted by Picasa


  1. I think the dark one came from a mystery man who used it to try and kill one of the kind people that lived on your land but, instead, he lost his spear in the ensuing fight and died on your land. All you need to do now, is find the body.

    My imagination always runs wild with this kind of stuff.

  2. That explains the bones in the garden...

  3. It's hard to tell whether the black one is shiny.....obsidian perhaps? They are beautiful.

  4. Zanne,
    It's a rich chocolate brown, not obsidian. It might be just some native Florida chert with a less common coloration or it could be a trade item from tribes farther north, or I could be wrong on both ideas...
    The thing I love about this point is the serendipity of how it was found. My son's buddy was sitting in the car in our driveway waiting to go home. The car is not running, the door is open, and he's dangling his bare foot out twirling toe circles in the sand when he hits something hard. He reaches down and pulls up that point.

  5. Nice! Pablo is going to be so jealous.

    I believe that Indians were near here, but I haven't found much at our place.

  6. Rurality,
    There's no telling what we walk over each day. An inch of dirt could conceal almost anything. Thanks for stopping by.


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