
Sunday, July 31, 2005

So who did this? Posted by Picasa


  1. I don't know, they probably dropped their pen looking at those little tunnel things. I wonder if they've needed it yet.

  2. Well Kevin, you win the prize for looking at it from another angle.

    You are correct!

  3. You mean weren't talking about who dropped the pen?

  4. I googled mole crickets and discovered that they are considered to be pests in the south, but not pests in Iowa (?). So, I will not waste the Oracle's time asking about them, but I am wondering if the picture shows the limestone roads that you were speaking about on an earlier post.

  5. Hick,
    I don't see mole crickets as pests, but then again I don't fret over a golf course (shudder) style lawn. People do spread a lot of poison and money around trying to control them down here.
    That's not a limerock road, just the grey, sandy-clay shore of my new little pond project. Is this another photo assignment?

  6. I like mole crickets - they are such cool-looking little critters.

  7. I watched a guy eat about 20 one night, he swore they tasted pretty good. He was sober by the way. I didn't try any so I can't verify the taste.

  8. Should I be embarrassed about mistaking your pond project for a road? I'm so sorry.

    Yes...more pictures. This stuff fascinates me.

    Reminder: knees and scallop shells.

  9. Thing,

    It's neat to hold one in your closed hand and feel him trying to dig his way out.

    Was it Billy...? :)

    Don't be embarrassed, a limerock road looks much like the picture I posted. Cypress knees coming up tonight.

  10. No, not Billy. A guy in my Guard unit. One night, at Camp Blanding, we were overrun with them and this was explaining how they used to eat them. Of course we had to have proof that he'd done what he said. So, he proved it, over and over and over...

    No ill effects as far as we could tell.


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