
Sunday, June 25, 2006

Repetition Is Good, Repetition Is Good, Repetition Is...


One of the things that I like to point out to my captives, is the existence of patterns in nature. Even though they are obvious and jump out at you once you first notice them, it's not something kids always catch on to until you point a few out. Then you just need to step back.

Cindy, one of my favorite teacher buddies has her math students work with natural objects like pine cones and seashells when they are studying tesselations. The kids get to make the math to nature connection when they see that some common shapes, like the spiral of a conch shell, are just mathematical patterns repeated over and over.

Okay, this is getting too nerdy, I just like the beauty of it. I will leave the math and geometry of it to smarter characters.

If you'd like to check out some really neat patterns in nature, go to
Ian Alexander's site. Wow!

I was just feeling kind of pentamerous...or was it just amorous? I get so confused...

Have a great Sunday!

...I may go digital today...trying to pry fingers from wallet...Posted by Picasa


  1. Thanks for the link referencing tessellations. I found the article fascinating. It's amazing to me how many areas of knowledge rely on these underlying principles.

    Here are some owners opinions about the camera you are interested in:

    This looks like a lot of camera for the money. The negative and positive comments about the camera all seem to revolve around the debate that invariably occurs with this new breed of camera.

    Personally, I have owned many film SLR "systems" cameras, from Minolta to Canon to Nikon, and accumulated all of the necessary lenses and accessories required to achieve optimal photographic results (as optimal as possible, given my mediocre photographic skills). When Olympus introduced their series of ZLR's (integral Zoom Lens Reflex), I purchased an IS-3, which eliminated the need to carry anything but the camera itself, and of course, plenty of film. Because of it's full functionality, combined with its' portability, I took it everywhere with me, and my collection of good photographs mushroomed. From then on, I was hooked on the concept of a fully featured camera that could cover just about any situation, without lugging around peripheral equipment in a photog vest or backpack. For this advantage, I was more than willing to suffer the relatively minor pitfalls involved with this style of camera.

    And this is the debate that goes on today with the DSLR vs EVF cameras. DSLR's clearly win in every photographic labratory test I have seen. On the other hand, in the field, photographers the world over are producing stunning results with the EVF cameras, without having to buy and lug lenses, flash units, macro lenses, close up kits, etc.

    Sorry for the long comment - I just thought I'd give you my perspective.

  2. Ummm, I don't know much about cameras, but the photos today are beautiful and the topic is something, not unlike your "captives", that I was perhaps aware of susconsciously, but hadn't actually noticed. So thanks!

  3. Your digital will pay for itself over and over again, just in what you save on developing costs alone.

    I can't wait to see the types of photos that you'll be able to show us once you're let loose in the wild. ;)
    Go for it! and good luck :)

  4. Oh you rat, and here I had a beautiful echinacea about to go up. Well you covered it every bit as nerdy and professorial as anyone could but I will say "FIBONACCI SERIES"!

    Back in a bit with my two on the camera stuff.

  5. I'm blanking on what EVF means, Hal. I know I should know this!

    I agree with Laura though, you will save zillions on film development through using a digital, and satisfy your need for immediate gratification at the same time. (Be sure to get a good photoshopping program.)

    It's the clear next step toward the goal of spending, in a year or two, much more money on a new level!

  6. Going digital is one of the most gratifying things you will ever do - because you know what? You can take a zillion pictures and have them in your computer almost instantaneously! THINK OF THE FUN!!! (Plus, you'll get a whole post out of camera-bragging, so that in itself should make it worthwhile... right?)

  7. Wayne - sorry for the acronym. EVF stands for electronic view finder, as opposed to SLR for single lens reflex. SLR transmits the image to the eyepiece via a flip up mirror and prisms, while EVF uses a secondary electronic screen located in the eyepiece. Both methods have pros and cons associated with them. The biggest difference in performance between SLR and EVF cameras arises because SLRs generally use a larger image sensor, that is less prone to noise and artifacts at higher ISO settings. Because SLRs are also generally more expensive than EVF cameras, they also usually incorporate faster electronics, so the time it takes to write the image from the sensor to the memory card is faster than on an EVF camera.

  8. I know this has nothing to do with this post, but I just read your post from October 9th, 2005, and it is pretty much an exact copy of my beliefs on the subject...would you mind if I re-published that on my blog? you credit and a link, of course.

  9. Hal,
    I really appreciate the link and the personal insight. I'm to the point where I'm tired of carrying (and buying) a bagfull of lenses to get the shots I want. That is one reason why I'm leaning towards this type of camera. Your comment was very helpful.

    Glad you liked it.

    That's how I justified it. I'm spending $30 a month on developing, ...might as well be a digital camera payment.

    How could I leave FS out? It was early, I had only had one cup of coffee.
    I'll use my film SLR for extra rugged conditions, but I'm tired of changing lenses. In a year, I'll have two kids in college, so this camera probably will have to do for a bit longer :)

    Mrs S,
    Camera bragging beats camera bagging ( as in 3 different SLR lenses). Thanks for the input, that instant gratification part is very appealing since it's 25 miles roundtrip to get film developed.

  10. Hurricane Teen,
    Go right ahead. You have my blessings. I have to go see what I wrote back then...I think I know.

  11. If I were going for a larger digital camera that would be the camera I would get. It uses the same memory cards that I use with my little sony, so I wouldn't have to buy any more. The 3" LCD screen is also very nice. You'll love it.


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