
Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Cedar Key CLAMERICA Celebration...part one

The add in the local weekly newspaper caught our eye as we were debating what to do on Independence Day. Normally, we would BBQ and explode things, but this year we took it easy and cruised out to Cedar Key for the Clamerica Celebration.

At the little city park by the Cedar Key"beach", we found this mosaic of clam shells and an assortment of booths offering all kinds of clammy goodies.

There was live music and a constant changing of bands through the day. We missed the kayak race and the clambag race, but we were in time for the mullet tossing contest.

That's in part two... Posted by Picasa


  1. I was all ready to pack my bags and move to Florida just for the Clamerica event. Words cannot begin to describe my bliss at seeing such a wonderful event based on "food of the gods", but alas...I read your next post and I cannot see myself going to an event that includes fish hurling...even if it means losing out on clam tasting. Sigh.

  2. Looks like it was a fun time, wish we could have been there!

  3. ThunderD,
    Yup and we went back to Frogs for lunch!

    Now that's surprising. After reading about "fish tacos" you know where, I pictured hurling fish,taco shell, salsa, whatever I was drinking...
    Some things should not bee Hick.

  4. OK - I just gotta ask. This strikes me as so hot off the press that surely it must have been documented with the new camera. If so, (or even if not) the photos are great!

    I'm sure you'll be as tantalized and excited as I am that we have a marigold festival :-|

  5. Wayne,
    Everything after the Waccasassa Adventure has been with the new Sony digital. As you can imagine, I now have a zillion new shots in reserve waiting their chance at the blogosphere.

  6. FC - congratulations on your excellent mastery as I see from the most recent post above - the gulf fritillary larva looks almost good enough to eat.

    To tell you the truth I don't know when the Winterville Marigold Festival is. I do know that it was initiated to bring in money, and who the heck cares? I'd much rather have a mullet-tossing contest :-) but we don't have mullet around here (although my cousin Bob did teach me how to fish for them, down down down in Magnolia Springs Alabama).

    Maybe we could do a bambi-chasing contest.

  7. Wayne,
    A 4 point velvet bambi was eating my lawn 10 feet from my bedroom window a few days ago. My dogs are almost catlike in their failure to chase bambi away...

  8. You and me both, FC. I looked out the kitchen window only to see a bambi looking right back in at me.

    What on earth were we thinking 10,000 years ago when we adopted these miserably wimpy companion animals? We should have domesticated wolverines.


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