
Monday, July 31, 2006

Turtle Hatch

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  1. They're so tiny! I never think of turtles as being so small. We don't have any of any size up here.

  2. Hi Mum,
    Welcome! Yes, they are really little, but what gets me is seaturtle babies are about the same size, even though they grow to be hundreds of pounds.

  3. If I see you at that "Real Florida Turtles 4-Sale" truck pulled off Dale Mabry in Tampa, I will have to hurt you.
    Just kidding. So cool that you were able to pull it off with those hatchlings.
    Good on ya, mate.

  4. Likes2mtnbike,
    Nah, that won't be me.
    I've actually seen those turtle "salesmen" too.

  5. Fantastic! Congratulations!

  6. Congratulations on the new additions to the family. Too bad you can't claim them on your income tax return.

  7. debbie,
    10 little child credits would be great!

  8. Ah...little green striped turtles just like the kind I used to get at the pet store when I was a kid. They're so cute.

    We found one little orange & black tarpon hatchling emerge out from under a potato mound and it was the smallest one of those I had ever seen. We let it go on it's way.

  9. Abandoned,
    I think most of us baby boomers probably had a green dimestore turtle for a the plastic turtle bowl with the little plastic palm tree.

  10. FC - I don't know how many people have collected reptile eggs and attempted to hatch them. But I remember last year how, after almost having given up on checking on the incubator after weeks and weeks, I looked pulled off the glass lid and saw that baby black racer. Dang. Was that a revelation of some sort or what?

    Now I wish I'd collected all dozen of those eggs and had ten of those babies snapping at me.

    Your schoolkids are gonna be delighted.

  11. Wayne,
    Patience pays I guess.
    Certainly some of these guys will make an educational visit to school. Back to work tomorrow, kids start next week!


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