
Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Parasailing In St. Augustine


One of the benefits of having an uncle who is single, is you might just be doted on if you happen to be his niece or nephew. This is especially true for my brood. Their Uncle T. (my big brother) always spoils them and we never know what his Christmas gift will be.
We just know that it will be something different and wonderful.
One year it was a week at Surf Camp for each kid.

This past Christmas, it was tickets for the 1400 foot parasail trip from SmileHigh Parasailing in St. Augustine. Too chilly in December (for sane people) to use those tickets, so they had to wait until last week's vacation.

So it was, that last week I watched my entire DNA contribution to the world sail up over a thousand feet into the air at the end of a slender rope.
(I don't know where they got this urge to go adventuring)
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On any commercial boat, tips are welcomed, so I slipped the first mate a $20 bill before the kids buckled in and said, "I know it's going to be a great ride, so I'll just tip you now".

We were not disappointed.

Captain Rob took the boat back and forth in front of the beach pier where Uncle T. stood watching his nephew and nieces use his generous gift finally. It was a great ride, and when Capt. Rob asked if the kids would mind getting wet, I told him to "Dunk Away!"

He complied by slowing the boat so that the kids gently touched the water. Then he alternately accelerated and slowed to raise and lower them in and out of the sea.

Of course they loved did I.

Next time, Mrs. FC and I are going up.


  1. Sounds exciting! I bet the view is awesome up there!!!

  2. LOL, bet they loved that dunking! I got a kick out of the look of concern on your son's face!

  3. Ava,
    I agree. I think I'm going to have to find out for myself!

    He was the one most worried about going up. The girls were Gung Ho from the moment they opened the gift in December. At this point, the mate was pushing/pulling the tow rope from side to side and the kids said they could feel it, but didn't know what was going on.

  4. I have a single aunt who spoils me all the time too. It's always nice having someone like that...Parasailing looks interesting, but I think I'll leave it to everyone else.

  5. Oh dear, that feet picture below is a real throat catcher. Looks like fun....for someone else!

  6. They'll never forget it. I, on the other hand, would prefer a ride where I remained skimming over the surface of the water.

    I used to have a relative like that, a cousin of my dad's who needed someone to buy Christmas presents for. Then he got married and moved to Arizona, dang it.

    The looks on their faces are precious. :)

  7. Your kids never have trouble coming up with that back-to-school essay, "what I did with my summer vacation", do they? (Does that essay topic still exist? Or have I just aged myself?)

  8. Does Mrs. FC know that she's going for that ride, or will it be a surprise?

    The looks on their faces are fantastic. What a memory they're going to have for the rest of their lives. Nice dna you got there, FC.

  9. I never know where to comment when you do the "multiples" entries.

    Either way, looks like a blast! Don't know if I'd have the guts to go up there, though!

    (and the feet picture is my favorite)

  10. That is soooo much fun...the dunk too!!
    Whenever I see parasailing, I have to do it. I think I would love to skydive because it's great up there gliding with the shute open.

    I'm sure your kids had a blast up there and are ready to go up again.

  11. Mrs. S,
    Parasailing is probably off your list of things to do for awhile :)
    Glad you liked the feet pic. I told them to be sure and get that shot, otherwise a photo looking down at just water would have no perspective. I think they did well with a $8 camera.

    I hear ya. I am definitely going up next time.

  12. Ha! Great story. Good for your big brother - what an imagination!

    It looks so inviting it might even get me over my fear of heights.

    They took Wayne up into the sky.
    Amidst his protests he did fly.
    E'en though he'd not had a lunch,
    Nor even a moderate brunch,
    He threw up so much
    He thought he'd die.

  13. What a GREAT thing to do! I'd be scared to death but I'd do it in a heartbeat. I haven't read the comments on the other posts below (like Mrs. S, I'm never sure where to comment on these) but I'm surprised that no one has mentioned Jurassic Park yet.

  14. Wayne,
    Bravo poet!
    Even if yourlunch, you throw it.

    The multiple posts are just when Blogger doesn't want to allow more than 3 shots posted per post and I have more. I check all comment spots so it doesn't matter...I will find you.
    ...and I was thinking MEG, but Jurasic Park should have come to mind also.

  15. Neat and adventurous. Your kids are blessed.


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