
Sunday, September 17, 2006

Gone Away

(previously posted photo)

If my morning has gone as planned, I'm somewhere on the St. Johns River throwing a castnet and pulling in beautiful shrimp like these Mayport beauties.

In the meantime, you might go to Hurricane Teen's site for some beautiful photos of Juniper Springs. You won't be disappointed. Read his Julington Creek post too for some nice writing about a bit of vanishing Florida. I can't believe this kid just turned 16. His teachers must love it when he turns in an essay.

If you go, leave him an encouraging comment so he'll keep writing.

I'll be back from the river later (hopefully smelling like shrimp) with a tale to share. Posted by Picasa

Update: I smell like shrimp.
I just finished heading just over five hundred shrimp in the kitchen with Mrs. FC.
Katie and I just got in from the river at about 10:30 pm. (2 hour drive)
We shrimped from 1:30 pm to almost sunset. I'm beat and am going to bed.

I have pics and when I catch up with my life, I'll post 'em ... Monday early evening.


  1. I am not sure what the proper good luck phrase is for shrimping, but we are wishing you that anyhow.

  2. Good luck with the shrimp, FC. I went over and left a comment on Hurricane Teen's post. He tells a good tale.

  3. Now you're talking about my 'hood. Love me some Mayport scrimps. Oooooeeee! yum!

  4. I hope that the ones that you caught were as beautiful as these pictured.

  5. You are going to laugh, but I had no idea shrimp looked like that.

    I thought they came breaded and ready to fry.

  6. We're going out to eat for hub's seafood - birthday dinner tonight, but even these shrimp probably won't taste as good as fresh caught. Hope you all had a good bounty!

  7. Good luck out there. I don't know if I should tell you this so I dont worry you, but oh uncle just got a really bad intestinal disease and they think it came from the river. He'll be alright, but it looks like our shrimping trip for next weekend is nixed. Oh well, they'll be there next summer...I hope. BTW, thanks for the reference. I actually got people going to my blog. Quite encouraging! I shall post more.

  8. Wow, those look like beauties! I didn't know you could cast for them in daylight; do you bait them somehow?

    Those short times spent on the St. Johns in my youth sure had an effect on me. (a good one!)

  9. Good deal did you fill up your bucket? Maybe we'll see you next saturday,we plan on starting about 930am.

  10. five hundred shrimp?? whoa! good catch. :)

  11. sounds like fun did you see any redfish while you were out their

  12. If y'all will forgive me, the Monday post will answer these comments. I am hopelessly behind and sleep deprived.


  13. I'm told shrimp has something of an odor.

    My parents have baby pictures of me at Juniper Springs. Of course, that would be 50 years ago.

  14. Wayne,
    I'm sure you were a cute baby. Weren't we all?

    Nice that it's preserved and still wild isn't it?


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