
Saturday, October 14, 2006

Belated Birthday Blog

September is a busy birthday month in our family. Mom, Dad, and Jr. all have birthdays one after another during the ninth month. Mom's comes first and for two weeks, until he catches up, Dad teases her about being a year older than he is.

Some of you had requested birthday pics, so the collage above is a compilation of two different birthday visits. The food in the collage is mostly my bachelor (ladies?) brother's (top center and middle right)doing, so you recipe requesters just calm down. I can tell you this, it was good. The cake was a raspberry concoction drizzled with a raspberry sauce he created. It was spectacular, not overly sweet and perfect with coffee. The lasagne was his creation too and ... well, there wasn't any left at the end of it.
Mrs. FC made the trifley cake with all the candles. It was delicous and short-lived in this crowd.

I BBQ'd chicken for one of these birthday meals, (not pictured) but you've seen enough of my cooking.

I like all the shots above, but especially Dad telling some story with his hands. That is so typical, he is quite the story teller.

Of course, my sweet Mom and her birthday cake gets to me too. How could it not?

Between birthdays and shrimping, I have been home alot over the past few weeks and this weekend, I'm looking forward to not going any farther than Jr.'s soccer game in Newberry later today.

It's the perfect Florida Fall day, 47 degrees F and crystal clear azure skies.

D'ja hear that? The great outdoors is calling.

Gotta go.

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  1. good pics of your mom and dad and family.your family has a long running tradition in the education of children and alan is keeping it going in our family, last night they honored him by naming the football field "Powers Field" at middleburg

  2. You have such nice family gatherings. The food always looks so yummy, and everyone is smiling and having a good time. A lot of love there, and it shows.

  3. Rick,
    That is fantastic! Please tell him congratulations for me. I'm stoked!

    Thanks for noticing :)
    They all love to eat, so they all love to cook too!


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