
Thursday, November 23, 2006

Happy Thanksgiving

That picture above is Mom's Thanksgiving spread last year. The pies (with the note that says, "Pie served at 5:00pm") are not in this picture. Let's see, there's lemon, mincemeat, pumpkin, Kentucky Derby, and a diabetic one for a dear friend.

We'll gather with immediate family and a few very special friends for the traditional feast and catching up with lives that go this way and that.

Tomorrow, the knuckleheads and I will help Mom and Dad decorate the house for the Christmas season. After that we'll head home. I have to get up early Saturday and drive to Georgia to a showpig auction to buy Jr.'s fair pig. Only one pig this year since Katie has gradumacated from high school and Emma has other interests.

I'll let yesterday's riddle steep for a day while I'm gone, but there's more photos to come on that topic.

I just wanted to say that on this Thanksgiving, along with many other things, I am thankful for you folks that read PureFlorida. Even you shy lurkers who never comment ... yeah, you. Thanks.

As for you commenters. YOU are the addictive spice of this blogging thing. Without you, it would be a tasteless dish.

Thanks from PureFlorida. Posted by Picasa


  1. Wishing you and your family a very happy Thanksgiving! I agree, if it weren't for the commenters (of which you are one of my most loyal-thanks!) blogging wouldn't be nearly as fun.

  2. I hope you and your family have a safe, happy holiday. It is always a pleasure to read Pure Florida - thanks.

  3. ohhh oooohhhhh ooooohhhh, I KNOW I KNOW I KNOW! And it even gets colder in those deep recesses! Happy Thanksgiving to ya'll!

  4. Happy Thanksgiving to the entire Pure Florida clan. Wishing you a wonderful holiday.

  5. Oh, the traditional post-Thanksgiving showpig shopping rush! It just gets more commercialized each year...

  6. Hey FC... happy Thanksgiving to y'all! It's a great day here in NE FL, eh?? I was in the backyard in my bare feet peelin' my spuds. That's a good day. :)

    KY Derby pie?!?!? That's my specialty seein's how I'm from up that way. I'd be curious to compare recipes.

  7. I agree - comments are SO addictive!

    That is an excellent looking spread your mom has put out... almost makes me wish it were Thanksigiving here this weekend, too. Then again, I didn't do anything for Thanksgiving when it WAS our turn, so I shouldn't complain. But I had an excuse, I was pregnant!

    Okay, I'm shutting up. Happy Thanksgiving! Enjoy yourself, and I can't wait for a picture of Jr.'s new piggie :D

  8. A wonderful Thanksgiving to you and yours. We are all thankful that you share your interesting world with us.

  9. I'll be nutmeg, thanks. I love this photo-it's straight out of a Norman Rockwell painting- and what is Kentucky Derby pie? Recipe please!

    Have a grand time doing the Chevy Chase light thing- we did our tiny courtyard yesterday as the weather was 56 and balmy. And enjoy the rest of the long weekend.

    Piglet? Oh, joy! Makes me more thankful than ever that I found your wonderful blog this year. Maybe one with black spots would be good...

    (Gradumacated is a wonderful word, FC)

  10. What I like best about this photo is not the glorious spread of food on the table, or the fancy tablecloth, or even the wonderful blue of the wall in the background. Instead I like the image of the young man sitting patiently in the corner with his hands in his lap despite the bounty of food within reach. Must have good parents or something.

  11. Thanks for doing the blog. Love learning about nature and life in your area!

  12. Back at last, drive safe tomorrow! Hope you don't get into the same traffic my brother and wife had coming down from Georgia. the 10 hour trip took them a full day!!
    And a happy after- Thanksgiving to you and all of the Cracker family too. Hope you all had a real good time together!
    Gobble Gobble!

  13. Deb,
    Loyal because I love learning about Minnesotarcticans like your lovely crew.

    Thanks and visiting your amazingly scenic farm is one of my favorite stops.

    Exactly! It was noticeably colder at the bottom.

    Thanks. It was quiet and nice. Lots of good chow.

    LOL! Yes, those 5:00 am showpig discount deals are too good to pass up.

    It was amazing NE FL weather wasn't it?
    I'll see if I can get that recipe from Mom.

    Mrs. S,
    Zoe must be napping :)
    Pig pics as soon as I come home with one.

    I hope yours was full of family too and that the rivers have receded.

    I like to add to the mother tongue whenever possible.
    We did the light stringing thing in similar temps down here today. Gorgeous day and lots of help made the job go quick.
    Pig pics soon.
    Kentucky Derby pie is kind of a chocolate, pecan, bourbon flavor melange. I don't like it, but everyone else on the planet seems to.

    Or maybe he's adopted ...
    Thank you.
    That pic is the calm before the storm. You should see him eat. I keep telling him he can slow down ... no one is going to take it from him.

    Well, I love sharing it so hang on.

    The traffic on our routes was amazingly light. Only a trip at mid morning on Black Friday was a little busy, but the long hauls were great. I think because we were going E-W instead of N-S.

  14. Happy after Thanksgiving to you and I hope your trip to Georgia went smoothly...And yes, if it wasn't for blogger comments this blogging stuff wouldn't be so addicting. Gotta love it.


  15. Wow. That's a lovely photograph, FC.

  16. roger,
    it really is.

    Georgia went well, long day, but I came home with a pretty little pig.

    It's a very tasteful photo.


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