
Wednesday, November 08, 2006


One of our fall gems, Palafoxia.

The blossoms in the bottom picture are past their prime, but they seemed to be a popular roost at sunset last week as I roamed around the property. By the time I came across the tired palafoxias, the light was almost gone. This is a cropped photo, so you can't see the other hoppers and insects that were quietly just hanging on to the Palafoxia as the afternoon sun slipped beneath the trees.

They didn't seem to be doing anything, did not respond to my proximity, and really appeared to be using the plant as bivouac for the night.

Everybody was still .. even the wasp.

That seemed pretty odd, wasps tend to be as active as a seventh grader, post lunch, on the day before summer vacation.

Actually, this slowing down and finding a place to survive the night is just part of their daily routine and I suppose, that makes it normal rather than odd. I just usually encounter them earlier in the day when they are busy trying to gather food, find a mate, lay eggs, etc.

Sunset presents a whole new challenge, one best met by being quiet, still, and undetected.

I hope they made it through the night.

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  1. The only things left blooming in my yard now are the beautiful rusty red mums and the red roses--even after a couple good frosts. Lotsa leaves being raked this week-and more to come. I have found raking to be good therapy tho, however, only in my own yard. So, no, I won't do anyone else's after I'm done with mine!! Happy fall!

  2. The palafoxia is very exotic looking and very pretty. I like the insect life especially that unusual looking one on the right.

    There isn't much blooming in our yard since the killing least I haven't seen anything except a lonely rosebud that may or may not open up.

  3. Those are pretty, I don't think I've seen them before. I'll have to keep an eye out for them the next time I head up there.

  4. MoMadness,
    Our leaves won't fall until December so if you need more therapy during the Christmas rush ...

    They are pretty unusual.

    It's still a good wildflower season here, a few trees are starting to change. No frost yet.

    They are easy to miss unless you are walking near them. They like the drier scrubbier woods.

  5. Meant to comment on this yesterday when I saw it - those are great aster-types. But I'm especially taken with the wasp. Do we know what kind it is? I haven't seen anything like it here.

  6. Wayne,
    I haven't tried to ID it, it looks like the thin waisted digger types that carry caterpillars into their lair.


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