
Sunday, August 03, 2008

Oh There's A Fine Line Between Saturday Night And Sunday Morning*


Day long rains were the background music for yesterday, so we headed out in search of fireplace stone, real or faux, before we settled on stone tile for the hearth and fireplace surround. The night before we had looked at the hearth stone tiles laid out on the floor and both felt it wasn't the rustic look we were after.
We decided to hit the yellow pages and then go give finding stone one more chance.

We found exactly what we were looking for at an amazing price. I'll share the results later if it works ... and you'll never see it if I screw it up.

Suffice to say, we like what we found so much that are packing up the tiles and returning them to Home Depot in favor of a locally produced product that is what we had been looking for all along.

We even agree on the color ... which ... well, just trust me, that is pretty amazing.

Since it was an all day rain event, I didn't get out with my camera until about 10:00 pm when I took pity on poor Bear who had been cooped up all day. It wasn't even going to be a photo walk ... I left the camera inside and grabbed a flashlight to wander with him in the buzzing darkness..

But the beam of the Maglite kept picking up cool critters, and when I came across a cicada just emerged from his previous life as an underground root nibbler ... I had to jog back up to the house and retrieve the Sony.
I got back inside around midnight-thirty.

Bear was so pooped, he put himself up in his crate.

This morning was brilliantly sunny, more shine so than we have seen in weeks here and it has remained sunny with no rain yet.

I've replaced a JEEP headlight, installed wipers on the Escape, did some remodeling brainwork, and ran the outboard for a bit to keep things doing ... whatever they do inside a small internal combustion engine.
I'm thinking about heading over to St. Augustine this evening so Pure Florida may have a late day post tomorrow instead of the usual (although not today) morning post.
I begin my last week of sunemployment this week and my 20th year teaching.
What was I thinking?
* Title reference: "Fruitcakes" by Jimmy Buffett and Amy Lee


  1. Been a long time since I've seen a cicada that freshly hatched. It's really cool watching the whole process, the breaking out, straightening the wings, drying out, and going from the "basil" green to adult brown by day light.

    Bro J

  2. Cool shots of the night life. The backgound music of all the night songs must have been pretty good too.

    I'm also a teacher getting ready for the bell to ring. I was out shopping for supplies this morning. Where did the summer go?

  3. nightlife! hope your last week is fun, although i suspect you'll be doing some stonework...

    daughter doesn't go back to college until the latter half of september. funny how different the schedules can be. so far, the highlight of her summer has been a family funeral, so i'm hoping we can fit something better in.

  4. Congrats on 20 years of improving young minds. But...1 week left? Where does the time go?

  5. FC, you're gonna do fine on those tiles! We have to keep each other motivated!

    Everytime I hear a cicada, it reminds me of my favorite Farside cartoon: The carton pictures Noah's Ark floating in the water, overflowing with animals. On the side of the ark, an animal wrote graffiti that reads, "Tell the cicadas to SHUDDUP!!!"

  6. What also might keep Bear occupied once he gets his water wings is a few jumps as a splashdog ( Labs steadily hit the 20 foot mark all afternoon.
    As for the creepy crawlies, when they come out, I go in. Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeshhhhhhh...

  7. Congrats on the start of your twenty years.


    (Wondering why you don't have more gray hair.)

  8. Congrats on 20 years!
    Cool photos.
    And too bad you don't live closer to the great northeastern cool stone factory. We have so many!
    My brother is down there not far from the Georgia border drilling to pump grout into a sinkhole caused by gypsum tailings and he is astonished by the absence of rocks down there. (He works for a company which specializes in stabilizing shaky ground)

  9. Great series of photos. I especially liked the cicada. This post reminds me of one that I did of a night walk in Ecuador last fall. Night viewing with a flashlight is loads of fun.

  10. Dawgawn, you do take some great pics! I am AMAZED at the noiselessness of your night shots. Good camera and steady hands will tell. We had a screech owl last night, but he avoided visualocity.

    Looking forward to seeing your stoned pics. ;-}

  11. Love all the night critters, FC. Do you know what the fellow is on the bottom left? Just trying to ID a bug I saw today for the first time here. Is it just my imagination (maybe I'm just now noticing) or are they making new brands of buggies these days?

    Meems @Hoe&Shovel

  12. Bro J,
    I posted that sequence a year or so ago.
    Basil ... LOL!

    This summer was waaaayyy faster than last! What's goin' on?

    Kathy A,
    Oh, some years are like that... sorry for your family's loss.
    I think my daughter's college schedule starts late this month.

    This summer ... I'm not sure. Like it was fast forwarded or something.

    Just Right,
    We've switched from actual tiles to "manufactured stone" ... A whole new learning curve for me.
    Oh joy!
    Love Farside!

    Thanks for that link!

    Well, I have less hair if that counts.

    Hey, my bro n law works for a similar company down here. They are always busy with our constant sinkholes.
    Check out the hat in Tuesday's post.

    Definitely a different world out there at night. Fun to catch the day time critters sleeping too.

    Stoned pics ... LOL!
    My Sony has "steady hand" technohelpnicity, but I used a monopod too.
    Glad you liked em.

    It's a wheel bug and it will inject you with tissue dissolving enzymes.
    Hurts alot.
    I don't pick them up anymore.

  13. I was so thrilled to see your photo of the cicada! They are just about my favorite insect. Many people are annoyed by their "singing," but it has always been music to my ears and one thing I miss in the Arctic.

    We head back to school on the 13th of this month. Even after 20 some-odd years of teaching, the first day of school is STILL a mix of excited anticipation and reluctant resignation. Just so the former outweighs the latter, I guess we're alright, huh? :)

  14. Kimberlee,
    Have a great year up there!


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