
Tuesday, January 27, 2009

We Push On In McCormick Creek

Meanwhile ...

Yes, I went on through the tree fall.

Cabbage palms pushing the edge of their capabilities.

I came to another log jam at the end of the video and went over it too, but soon turned around, because there were other branches of this creek I wished to explore.
The refuge website had this warning about McCormick:

"McCormick Creek off the Lower Suwannee Nature Drive offers a nice spot to begin a quiet paddle. From the ramp, the creek to your left winds through forested wetlands. To the right you will find marshes that eventually open into the Gulf of Mexico. Beware of the many creek branches that may be confusing upon your return.

I paddled downstream past the boat launch where a powerboat was coming in after a day of fishing.
As soon as I passed the ramp, the creek split into a mutltitude of possibilities and I took the first one on my port side. This creek became skinnier and skinnier and it also split into new paths... new to me anyway.
The grasses and rushes were rustling in the breeze and birds like blackbirds and marsh hens could be heard from time to time, but mostly I felt like the only animal in a sea of whispering plants.

I chose (or did it choose me?) this needle rush lined branch and paddled slowly and quietly. I still had hopes of bringing you a gator sloshing suddenly off the bank and into the water ... and I did spook one, but I had both hands on the paddle at that moment.

After that, I did alot of one handed paddling with the camera set on video as I crept along and the width of the creek continued to dwindle. Surely another gator would be up in this quiet place where real boats can't go.


There was this one interesting swirl just ahead of the bow as if a gator, otter, or grebe had just surfaced, but I only glimpsed the movement and not the mover.

No cliff hanger here ... there were no more gators, but I do have some peaceful quiet paddling video.

Perhaps they would make a good "Wordless Wednesday" post ... and there are the photos of that lasagna,salad, garlic bread, cake dinner after the paddling was over.


  1. I have seen these marshes/creeks for my whole life but have never explored them. These are good posts to fill in what I have missed.

    Although that lasagna sounds good too.

  2. Fun pictures! Looks like an adventure!

  3. I LOVE the sound of a paddle in the water.

    Does that kayak of yours have a reverse gear for those tight spots?

  4. I know your family is happy that you are enjoying your kayak so much.

    But wait, you never answered my question. Could an alligator tip the kayak over? Or is that something that We Just Don't Discuss?

  5. The Suwannee has an interesting hydrograph: it's a mix of the continental and peninsular so it has a double hump, one in the fall (peninsular) and another in the spring (continental). It has one foot in each place.

  6. Crackernation,
    Glad I could fill in the blank spots!

    Welcome to PF! It was a good day!

    Me too. This thing is amazingly easy to paddle backwards. I backed out of a twisty tiny creek with no problem at all.

    Miz S,
    Yes they could.
    Not likely unless I cornered one in a tiny twisty creek and ... hey, wait a minute ...

    What can I add to that?

  7. Always seeking that path less paddled. :) Glad you've gotten the videos working more often.

  8. Alan,
    I have to upload them from a fast connection. Given up on trying it from home dialup.

  9. I think you should get a GPS system installed on that kayak!!! Your family would never find you!

    I was going to ask about turning around in tight quarters.....good thing it's easy to paddle backwards!


  10. I'm really enjoying your kayaking posts. The photos show places that I'm unlikely to be able to get to, and there's lots of vicarious pleasure from your enjoyment of your new kayak. I'll be in Pure Florida tomorrow night.


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