
Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Birds Of The Chassahowitzka River : Wordless Wednesday

All taken on my little manatee kayak sojourn last Saturday.


  1. Such a pretty Black Vulture! Love our blue skies we've been having lately.

  2. Great birds! Thanks for providing my waterfowl fix for today. :)

  3. Wonderful pictures FC. The camera you use came and I am now in the learning mode. You have set the bar high.

  4. Just read yesterdays blog. I worked for Florida Power and Light and we put those nesting dishes up for environmental reasons but also the birds were shorting out the power lines. Duel purpose dishes.

  5. The birds in the 5th photo from the top seem unusually low in the water. What kind are they?

  6. FC,
    Envy your open water, herons and green leafy bits...
    Creatures in photo 5 look like winter plumaged pied-billed grebes to me. That is what they were looking like the last I saw them in SD in the fall, on a pond that is frozen solid at the moment.

    Thanks for the additional science
    Word of the Week offerings, that'll get my friend the teacher and the larval humans good!

  7. FC-

    Just so you know I'm very jealous of your "sea cow" post since I was just at Manatee Springs a few weeks ago hoping to catch a glimpse of one! Oh well, guess in a coupla years I'll get my chance, huh?
    Tell the fam we said hello and we'll see ya soon.

  8. Nice. Now that the ice is off the rivers (hopefully) I can dust off my kayak. Woo hoo!

  9. Rex, they're pied-billed grebes. And that last one is the nicest mottled duck picture I've ever seen, FC. Glorious.


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