
Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Spherical Spring Signs

Toad eyes are spherical signs of spring.
Usually they are found in pairs, but sometimes they come in quartets as in the picture above.
When they do ...

... it usually means there will soon be other spherical signs of spring like the toad eggs above.
Another spherical sign of spring are softballs, baseballs, and soccer balls like the one Junior sends into the net above.
He did really well at the swine show yesterday too!
(...or should I say his pig did really well)
More on that Thursday.
Why the delay?
The auction is tomorrow and I want to do a final combination fair posting that includes his awards and his sale price.
Patience, Grasshoppers ...
In other news: debuts tomorrow. It will be strictly crocodillian with new postings only about 4-5 times a month. It is also a photoblog with minimal text, although the commenting feature is on if you feel the need to express yourself there.
PureFlorida is where I will be hanging out and chatting with you.


  1. I only see two frogs in the top photo. Hmmm.

    What's the best type of environment to look for spring frogs and eggs? In ponds... creeks... puddles?

    Junior did good with soccer, and I'll be tuning in tomorrow for the pig results.

  2. Love the spherical results of spring courtships. Such a beautiful time of the year.

    Interesting idea to have a blog devoted to gator pics. I was going to do that with bobcats, but they aren't quite as reliable subjects. Oh I wish they were.

    How's Emma's foot? Hope all is well.

  3. Cool! Amphibians! None here yet. Can't wait to see PureAlligator and congrats to Junior on his success.

  4. Congrats to Junior!
    I'm looking forward to the gator site.

  5. Emma,
    Love you!

    2 frogs times 2 eyes each = a quartet of frog eyes.

    Her foot is sore, but not worsening. The crutches are driving her crazy tho.

    Lots of trilling here. More eggs to come.

    Sometime around 12:30 am this evening.

  6. I've been seeing spherical baseballs around here...practice officially starts tomorrow. My first child finally old enough to participate in a school sport!

    Toads here are still frozen.

  7. Sorry to hear of Emma's accident. I've driven such things into my hands before, and it isn't fun. Didn't bother with a doctor, however, real men do their own docktorin'. ;-)

    As for the Pure Alligator site - what, you don't have enought to do already? Show off! I'll be watching. Even got a few gator pictures of my own from the Coastal Tour of Florida 2009 a few weeks ago.

    Was gonna stop by and donate some books to your school, but didn't get them packed in time. But there's always next trip.

  8. The sphere is nature's greatest shape: a sphere of water, modified by gravity, is of course a rain drop, the source of the source.


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