
Wednesday, October 06, 2010

Suwannee Scenery

I have gotten home too late each day this week to follow up on my promise to share a photo of WHATEVER it is hiding in my barn, so I'm chumming the water with these Suwanee River photos ... in the hope that you will stay around to feed and not abandon Pure Florida completely.

(Yo! That was a long sentence)

See it?
I am a sucker for gator heads in reflecting water.

I think I can get that other photo today. I just have to get home while the sun is shining.

That has been a challenge lately.
The academic team season has begun and we practice Mondays with matches on Tuesdays. That has kept me here until sundown this week, but today is looking good for an on time exit.

My nerds had their first match yesterday and won both the JV and Varsity games, so they are off to a good start.
The JV team looks strong and fast, but I think the Varsity team will have their brains kicked by tougher teams if they don't kick it in gear.
I'll keep you updated on our progress.

Things are changing here as fall finally gets rolling. Wildflowers are blooming, my woods are noisier with migrant songs, the grass has stopped it's relentless march upward, and the bugs are less buggy.

Air conditioners are earning a well deserved break too. This week has been absolutely delicious with cool sunny days and chilly nights.

And of course there is that beautiful golden tint to the light ... that stuff.


  1. Any pics of the Suwannee are good pics. Miss that place.

  2. Fall is my favorite time of year - followed closely by Winter. Spring (allergies) and Summer (heat) are NOT my favorites. I feel new energy in the Fall.

    Congrats on a good academic team this year - I hope it continues to go well for them.

    Are you hiding a grey spider named Charlotte in your barn?

  3. I love that light, too. It's a beautiful time of year.

  4. nice photos. and yay, nerds!

    but you are just messing with us about the thing in the barn.

  5. Great beginning for your nerd team. And yes, that fall light is so golden beautiful.


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