
Monday, February 21, 2011

Sara N. Dippity Dolphin Style

Ah, chance encounters ...

A short text message to my pal Captain Denny inquiring about a Cedar Key restaurant led to this magical dolphin interaction one day last week.

We (old roomie Dave and wife Tami) were driving out to have dinner at Cedar Key at a restaurant that Denny had recommended to me.

I texted, "Hey, where is the Pickled Pelican?"

Denny sent back the location and, " I'm at the boat basin. ETA?"

"10 minutes."

"See you then."

When we pulled up, Denny and his dogs were hanging out in his truck. His sleek, beautiful 24 foot Old Pro boat lay moored to the dock. He had been out test driving it.

"Ya wanna go for a boat ride before supper?"

And we did, of course.

I'll let the video do the talking on this post,...well most of it anyway, but how often do you head out for a dinner and then wind up taking an unexpected boat ride on an evening where the dolphins, a glass-slick sea, and a beautiful sunset come together in a perfect, magical marine mix.

The food was good too.


  1. envious. Thanks for sharing, sunsets, dolphins and laughter. tammy

  2. I had posted my "Florida Envy" entry before I read your post. OMG!
    I can't tell you what a day brightener it is to watch dolphins on a morning when it is 0 and you have been out shoveling a 2 foot snowbank left by the plow! Beyond jealous.

  3. Totally excellent! Love the dolphins leaping into the colors of that amazing setting sun. Beautiful.

  4. Oh, wow, that is just fantastic! And it was cool hearing the Florida talk. Like hearing my dear in-laws from Jax Beach.

  5. What a great evening! Thanks Capt. Denny and FC!

  6. Just... wow.... They seemed to be kind of tangling with each other a bit - making baby dolphins perhaps?

    Awesome video - thanks for sharing!

  7. That is just awesome, dinner, boat ride, beautiful sunset and lovely interaction with the wildlife! You lucky dog you!

  8. Hi FC,

    Great video. Someone sent an email to me this morning with a lab and dolpin swimming together. If you're interested:

    Have a great week...I'm off to the Gulf this week!! Can't wait!!


  9. wonderful! like your new header, too.

  10. LOVE it! Love your new header too, is that the "bird house" at Cedar Key?

  11. very cool.

    ever wonder how we survived without texting?

  12. Beautiful! Once a long time ago (when we had a boat that ran-you know what I mean, don't you), we were fishing and had our dog in the boat with us. A manatee surfaced right by the boat and the dog and the manatee were fascinated with each other. It stuck around for a while. A good memory. Hadn't thought about it in a while!

  13. Ah, FloridaCracker, serving up curious dolphins in a lavender cream sea. Thanks for being there with a steady hand for all of us. This time of year it seems like the color all drains down into Florida.

  14. Love how it's still a magical sight, even for Cap'n Denny.

  15. Y'all,
    Thank you for the comments and insight ... as always.

    I never get tired of dolphins. I saw more yesterday while fishing and they were just as WOWLOOKATTHAT as the ones on this video ... as they always are.

    Not to be a tease or anything, but wait until you see the white pelicans I came across this weekend.

    Thick as fleas they were.
    Well, if fleas were big.... and white ... and had orange bills ... and ate fish ... and flew ...

    Soon come.


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