
Saturday, March 05, 2011

Putt-Putt The Sears Gamefisher 1.2hp Dynamo

I bought this Sears Gamefisher 1.2 hp outboard motor in the early mid-80's.

( I know you 1 hp outboard owners are green with envy at my extra .2 horses)

A bracket that allows it to be mounted to the curved gunnels of a canoe was purchased at the same time.

In those free wheeling times of park service travel, no kids, and no serious expenses, the motor got lots of use. We even crossed from Tybee Island, Georgia to Little Tybee Island in heavy seas with a big labrador, coolers, Mrs. FC and me.

It was flat calm when we headed out to the island, but the wind came up pretty fierce on the way back that afternoon. We made it though.

Mostly the motor is sweet for coastal marsh excursions where the place I want to paddle quietly is up the creek a bit or across open water. That's when the little Gamefisher shines as an accessory.

A few years ago, I took it to the local boat shop (now defunct) and asked the guy there to breathe some life in to it.

It had been sitting for a decade (kids) and I couldn't get it to start.

A strange look came over his face ... a face younger than the Gamefisher.

"I'll see what I can do."

He kept the Gamefisher a long time.

That was okay, I had told him to just "gettrdone". I had not used it in years so waiting a while now was no big deal.

In my heart, I was afraid it was a goner.

Every once in a while, the mechanic would call me up and say something like, "Hey, I'm still looking for parts. You know they don't make these anymore?"

Yes, I did. They were made in Japan (remember when things were made there?) for Sears.

I feared the worst, but it became sort of a challenge ... a quest if you will, for the mechanic guy.

"I'm not giving up on this." was his next to last phone update to me.

Then, one day, he called to tell me it was ready.

He was beaming when he handed it over.

"It was touch and go there for a while, but she's running like a top now."

I paid the bill and tipped him a twenty dollar bill.

Or... at least I think I did.

It was a couple of years ago ...


  1. How long have you been with Mrs.FC?

  2. You be careful out there with all that power ;)

  3. Sounds like you busted the baffles out of 'er so everyone would know you were running one point TWO horsepower. (Which part of the horse is the .2?)
    A ferocious beast it is.
    I'm all for fixing instead of throwing out. I'm still making copies on my 1991 Canon PC (back when PC meant Personal Copier). It is awesome.

  4. Honda makes a one h.p. called the Super Chibi, all tricked out in an orange and white plastic cowling, and no doubt the most modern technology. Just wouldn't be the same as those old kickers. Have to put it on a plastic kayak or something like that.

  5. No water cooling? I guess one that small doesn't need it!

  6. I'm impressed that your mechanic kept at it until he got it done! That's dedication!

  7. Dani,
    Dated for 6 years while I ran with the NPS all over the southeast and then married for 25 years.
    I have never gone steady this long before.

    Watch out for my wake!

    That's right, she's a water HAWG!
    I'm a 1.2 percenter!

    I had no idea.
    I thought anything gas and this small was a thing of the past.

    All air cooled. It has little fins like a chainsaw or lawnmower.

    I think he liked a challenge.

  8. Ha ha -- you've never gone steady this long. You always make me laugh. Or at least smile.

    Yeah, the kids aren't needing that much attention anymore, are they? And since Nature abhors a vacuum, the parents have stepped in to fill that space, m i rite?

  9. Dani,
    Thanks! Doesn't seem as long as it sounds.

    Miz S,
    LOL! Always something!

  10. Julie, the .2 is the tail, it is enough power to swat the flies.

  11. I brought my Dad the same one, and he has hated it. I never hear the end of how bad it is, and I keep offering to return it to Sears, but he likes to continue to use it. Go Figure.

  12. Bought mine new in about 1980, and rigged a mount to use it on my Sunfish sailboat. It sat in the basement from 1988-2008. Cleaned the gunk out of the carburetor jets and run it now on my 18' sailboat and my 17' Old Towne canoe. Runs like a top and still has good compression. Somebody's always trying to buy it from me!


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