
Thursday, April 14, 2011

The Gray Rat Snake Video

Here's a short video of the GRS I posted about the other day.


  1. Wow, this guy is much larger than my little Garter Snake. I think this snake likes you. It is amazing it can climb a tree.

  2. cute! you can keep it at your place.

    you're using that helmet-cam technology, no?

  3. Nice video. Interesting how similar the Gray Rat looks to a juvenile Black Rat Snake. I've caught and released many of the Black variety (to keep them and the dogs apart) but have never seen a Gray.

  4. Very pretty snake. Did you notice that the sphinx moth caterpillar that showed up when you placed the snake on the tree had been attacked by a parasitic wasp and had eggs on its back?

  5. Nice! What is that bird calling so loudly at the beginning?

  6. So, why doesn't Mr.Snake get all resentful and start doing snakey things to your arm? (I would.)

  7. That's a tufted titmouse, Dan. The common mnemonic for their song is PETER PETER PETER.. You can also hear a northern cardinal with a sweeter, less insistent version of the same song more quietly in the background. They seem to be alternating songs. There are tufted titmice in almost all of FloridaCracker's videos.

  8. Lisa of Greenbow,
    It is pretty amazing considering no hands and all. This one is just a babe, there's a 5 footer that lives under my pumphouse.

    That snake did charm me.

    Kathy A,
    No, it was just my regular camera slung around my neck in that one two handed wobbly section.

    The black ratsnakes must be pretty rare in FL. I have never seen one. Maybe in extreme north FL.

    Wow, eagle eye entomologist!
    I did not, but I am going back to see it. I did hatch a ton of them last year on my infected tomato hornworms.

    The birdiest person I know has answered that below.

    Ol Lurker,
    We have an understanding ... mostly. I handle them gently and they don't bite me.

    Tufted Titmouse. How fitting.
    I need to pay more attention.

  9. Impressive snake handling, FC. I assume his agent will be in touch about the residuals.

    It was quite cool at the end. I enjoyed watching the way he just flowed over the bark on the tree.

  10. So often I am conspicuously absent in the comment column but nothing brings me out like a beautiful snake with a great tongue. He's a fine color, too. So now I will add rat snakes to the list of things I miss about Florida. Haven't approached the woodpile here where the snakes are somewhat more dangerous. (Started my pepper seeds!)

  11. Sometimes I wonder if we live in the same state? I know there is nature here, snakes and birds and all kinds of critters but it all seems to be so WILD on your side of the state! Makes me want to get out town asap and go for a hike! And yes, La Diva LOVES snakes!

  12. Wren,
    Thanks. I too am in awe of snakes who can climbe trees with such grace.

    I shall seek out and post snakes more often.

    La Diva,
    Sigh ... it was all there once. I'm glad to hear that you love snakes. Hang on, 'cause there's sure to be more as the summer rolls on.

  13. Given your location, that's what used to be called a Gulf Hammock Rat Snake, Elaphe obsoleta williamsi, which has the Gray Rat Snake's blotches and the Yellow Rat Snake's stripes. But the taxonomists have been fussing around, as they are wont to do, and now all the rat snakes east of the Apalachicola River and the Appalachians (not including the Corn Snake) are considered one species: the Eastern Ratsnake, Pantherophis alleghaniensis. Black Rat Snake, Yellow Rat Snake, Gulf Hammock Rat Snake, Everglades Rat Snake, and Gray Rat Snakes east of the Apalachicola River - all the same species now. You can look it up:


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