
Tuesday, July 05, 2011

Schoolyard Ospreys

My new school comes complete with nesting Ospreys.

This light pole has hosted ospreys for a very long time ... I know they were using it back in the '90's when I taught summer marine science camps out at Cedar Key. The pole sits in an open "field" at the tiny school. Just beyond the light pole is a broad quiet salt marsh with lots of fish to feed young ospreys.
Checking you out.

Bright eyes

Ehh? What's that?

Pre-flight stretch.


  1. Watched one with a fish in a tree yesterday. They're a lot better at catching than I am....

    How's prep for the new school coming?

  2. Kevin,
    Working on Chemistry right now.

  3. Good for you, and your students. Kelly is in Greece today, she doesn't care about her students....

  4. Not many people can say they have ospreys as a job perk. Well done.

  5. Having fun already at your new school, I see! You are totally lucky! Great photos.

  6. Such beautiful babeh ospreys, newly minted. You know the females wear "bra's," right? And you can tell the babies by the pale feather edgings such that they look scaled. Eyes can be orange-red in young birds, too, as opposed to yellow when they grow up.


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