
Monday, January 30, 2012


I put the video at the top this time, because I knew you would go there first ...

When my daughter Katie spotted this snake far ahead of us, I thought it was going to be a big branch. We had just passed a truck full of people coming from this direction only moments before.

I couldn't believe they had missed this snake.

This Diamondback must be living a charmed life to have avoided being run over by one vehicle and then to have us be the next vehicle upon it.

'Cause WE are going to make sure it makes it safely off the road.
It's what we do.

Out here, in the middle of a 6,000 acre Wildlife Management Area, this snake was exactly where it was supposed to be.
It's why I wear my $100.00 Cabelas snake boots when I am truly bushwhacking in this area.

When you are a guest in someone else's home, you should dress appropriately for the occasion.

We blocked the road and I photographed it as it slid into the brush ... where it immediately disappeared, as you no doubt saw in the video.

Did you notice how she "locked and loaded" even as she picked out an escape route and took it.

That message was crystal clear to me...

"I will defend myself if you force the issue, but my intent is to go on about my business."

Words to live by.


  1. Eeek. Seriously, not sure what scared me worse - the size or how well she blends in. Wondering how many I stomped on by as I ran the FL woods when I was a kid!

  2. That is one huge snake. It wasn't a bit intimidated by a lil' ol' human. WOW. What a hansome creature.

  3. Holy Shnikies that is a big snake! When I moved to Naples 30+ years ago we had ones that size roaming around our acreage...I still look before i step anywhere!

  4. I wonder about all the times as a kid I went climbing through the woods and wading in the golf course swamp bogs & never given a thought to what critters were in the neighborhood. Thanks for all you do showing folks that we are in their home not visa versa.

  5. So jealous! I still haven't seen a rattlesnake out in the wild. When I was in the Badlands there were signs everywhere to watch out for them and I saw zero there. That's a big one. I hope you didn't get too close.

  6. How beautifully marked and what beautiful camo! If she hadn't been moving it would have been impossible to see her if you didn't know to be looking.
    I've not seen a wild one either, but when our little prairie garter snakes go rattling through the dead leaves I am sure I am about to.

  7. "Words to live by."

    I love it.

    The video was mesmerizing.

  8. What a beauty! She looked nice and healthy too!
    So where was this, and where do I need to go to get a pair of those boots?

  9. Yikes --I saw on the news pythons taking over the Everglades. Send lots of boots to those folks!

  10. That's such a big snake! What a beauty.

  11. Wow! Incredible in so many ways. City girl as I am, it makes me wonder (yet again) how in the heck I got over my fear of snakes enough to get out in snaky places to hunt artifacts and rocks. But then, I had some good, experienced and knowledgeable folks with me when I did.

  12. Sharon,
    I wonder the same thing!

    Ditto !!!!

    I think I was just a momentary inconvenience to it.

    I think 5+. They always seem bigger than they are.

    Me too. I look constantly and still get surprised sometimes.

    Thanks. My SOP as a kid was to run like hell through palmetto thickets hoping my feet would not touch the ground long enough for a strike.

    Keep your eyes open, because you are bound to run into one as much as you go out there!

    Any unexpected snake encounter can give ya a start. I jump all the time and sometimes it's just a curvy stick.

    Miz S,
    I thought it was appropriate. Glad you liked the video!

    Mine came from Cabelas. Locally, Gander Mtn may have them in Ocala.

    Tina, I used that story in my Env Sci class today since we are working on food webs.
    What a disaster the Glades are facing.

    I think she may have shed recently, she is so sparkly!

  13. Mommadness,
    Going with some exp. people was a good plan. So many people skip that step!

  14. Wow, this is an odd coincidence. Just about the time you were posting this, I was in a State Forest east of Naples, staring at a Diamondback that was staring back and me, rattling like crazy, and curled in the "locked and loaded" posture you describe. He got just off the trail and unlike your friend, he coiled up, rattles still going, and stared me down. I turned and went a different way. Now I'm off to do some shopping at Cabela's.

  15. Great catch on video!! I too wonder how many rattlers I've ridden over on my horse and never saw (in Oregon).

  16. What a WONDERFUL post - every word! Couldn't agree more. I'm so happy to have found your blog; thanks so much, from one native Floridian & nature lover/geek to another. We are their guests, especially on what land they have left. :)

  17. There are some interesting wildlife in Florida- or at least from what I have seen. Rattlesnakes in the dust roads, alligators in swamp back yards, wild birds, I guess it all makes sense with that weather they have. I've spent most of my time on the coast though, in Palm Bay. I do a lot of business out there and it is always a lot of fun checking things out in different parts of the country, at least for me. I tend to stay at the Palm Bay Hotel ( Cheap as can be and allows me to get out more and see a lot more.


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