
Friday, February 17, 2012

GBBC WEEKEND 2012 Get Your Bird On!

Today so far... 5 avocets while driving into work. I didn't really start counting until I hit the first bridge so all of these birds were spotted in about a mile of driving.

Also on the drive in, about 125 scaup were dabbling and rafting along the causeway.

Let's see, I saw about 30 boatail grackles on the powerline as I went over the bridge, and there were 6 pelicans floating in the dawn glow.

A kingfisher, a single blue heron, 5 snowy egrets, and the resident osprey here at school rounds out the morning drive count.

I will be posting GBBC sightings over the weekend as time and bird allow.
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  1. Great birds!
    Best we could do here is a red tailed hawk and a lot of very common birds. Very windy and quite cold. Might do better tomorrow

  2. Thise scoup are pretty cool looking! Yesterday we came home from grocery shopping to find 6 turkey hens strolling across our back drive!

  3. 3Collie,
    Grey here today, but I added a bald eagle and a black vulture on the way home yesterday after I had posted this.

    Neat! I have turkey all around but they shy away from Bear I think. None seen on PFHQ.

  4. You have such fine birds to report. I limited my count to our yard. Backyard: four western bluebirds; one red-shouldered hawk. Frontyard: countless juncos; one band-tailed pigeon; mourning doves; two california towhees; two spotted towhees.

    I probably should report this somewhere, like to the GBBC.


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