
Monday, October 22, 2012


Finally, the Seafood Festival is over and I don't have to go home and make clam chowder every night of the week!

Being free of that responsibility allowed me to stitch together a video showing some of the obstacles (and the cow poop) I encountered during the run.

The first two and last two scenes are in order, but as far as the other obstacles, I did not attempt to put them in the actual order in which they were encountered.

My thoughts on the "SURVIVOR MUD RUN":

  • First, it was fun and I did enjoy it. I loved that it wasn't too far from my parent's home so I could take a shower there and visit awhile.
  • I guess Mud Runs come in all shapes and sizes, but I would pump up the challenge level on this one as a way to improve it. Lots of sloggy mud ... and they DID call it a "Mud Run", so I expected that, but the actual obstacles were pretty mild.
  • The biggest negative thing at this race was an abundance of fresh cow manure along the trail and even floating in the mud obstacles ... eeuuuu.  As a biology instructor, the potential for infection when people are splatting, crawling, face planting, slipping, slurping, and splashing in fecal contaminated mud kinda' bothers me.
  • The check in and registration, etc seemed well organized and went smoothly.
  • I give it a C.  I could have gone with a B minus, but for the abundance of cow poop.

Here is the video with my muddy critique at the end. Sorry for the sound on parts of the Jeep Critique final segment, a stiff breeze had sprung up during the race.

My next run is December 8 in Jacksonvillle and finally, I will not be going alone. We have a crew running together so that should be a lot of fun with more exciting video possibilities.

I also signed up for the Rugged Maniac race in February (16th) 2012 at Waldo, Florida.

Junior ran the Xtreme Mud Warrior obstacle race last Saturday and finished in less than 26 minutes!!!!
I couldn't run a 5K race WITHOUT obstacles in that time.
I am in awe of my baby boy.

Here's the video:


  1. OMG! That's a crazy, wet, mucky run. Congrats for finishing it, despite the creepy presence of cow poop.

  2. Wow. After slopping through all of that muck and mire, then they make you climb over rusty metal and broken glass?

    I enjoyed watching this, and I look forward to your next one, but I'm going to stick to road races and leave these mud runs to you alpha males.

  3. Ugh! That was the noise made when you went down the first hill! I love the butt shots. Typical man. ;) Blech! Bwahahaha! That last fall was so graceful!
    I love it. I need to start doing these crazy, nasty things. Although, I don't know if I can still monkey bar.

  4. what jacksonville race?

  5. Robin,
    Yes! Cow poop is creepy when it's in the mud you are wading through!

    Alpha ... that's a hoot. I think I'm in Beta still.
    Hey, your races are alot harder. I don't have to run the whole time since the obstacles break up the 5K.

    Now, if you look in the net crawl I purposely look down for the crawl after realizing a girl butt was directly in front of me.
    I'm a gentleman...mostly.
    Get yourself some P90X to prepare for those monkey bars.

    December 8 in Jax, it's called "Mud Crusade". A 2-4-1 deal popped up a month or so ago and I jumped on it with some friends.

  6. wow. you passed a lot of people. from the view we got you were actually racing all the way. cow poop, yucky. broken cars, dangerously bad.

  7. Roger,
    I chose not to bore you with clips of me just jogging and gasping for breath! Agreed on the poop and bewildered by their decision to include torn up cars.

  8. Glad you are in shape, I sure as .... wouldn't be able to do it. I am not afraid of mud either ;) Loved the video!

  9. And you're doing this on purpose.
    For fun.
    Ohhh kay. Got it.
    The creepy slippery culvert, I dunno.
    Poop, ecccch.
    Wrecked cars?
    Just let me run!
    I love the little HA's and Heh-heh's you utter when you get to the next diabolical obstacle.
    I share your amazement at Junior's achievement. I'd be thrilled to pieces to run a 5K in 26 min. without climbing over anything but my own decades.
    Saw a review of the Go-Pro 3 and thought of you of course. It was a rave, USA Today.
    Last fall and last shot cracked me up. I'd feel sorry for you but you signed up for it. ; )

  10. Zick,
    True! Self inflicted pain, ... er fun. LOL!


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