
Sunday, November 18, 2012

Chicken (stew) On Sunday

The fridge was full of leftovers and we needed to make space for a huge turkey in a few days.
So I got busy ...

Into the cast iron skillet went a cut up chicken seasoned with kosher salt, Greek seasoning, black pepper, kosher salt, thyme, and some Tony C's.

In the fridge, I found some leftover green beans, two baked potatoes, a hunk of onion, a box of fresh mushrooms, and of course, garlic.

While the seasoned chicken browned in the skillet, I cut the baked potato into chunks.

I chopped a few cloves of garlic and the onion too.
The onions went into the cast iron dutch oven after I splashed it with grapeseed oil.

Soon the mushrooms were clamoring to join the onions in the hot tub, so I tossed them in too.

Then the potatoes joined the tub party.

You know what happened next ... yup, the green beans stopped being wall flowers and joined the party.
Nothing gets a party going like fine, $3.00 wine from Walmart ...
... so I added it too.
By this time the chicken had heard about the hot tub party next door and they crashed the scene.

I cleaned up their mess with some of the wine and ...
... tossed it and the stragglers into the hot tub.

After everybody was in the hot tub, I sent them to the sauna, at 400 degrees F, for about 25 minutes.
The party turned out exactly as I hoped it would.

Don't you love it when you "wing it" in the kitchen and the end product matches your expectation?


  1. I haven't even had breakfast yet and it still looks delish!

  2. I like your cooking style! I look up recipes online to get ideas, but, like with tonight's slow cooker spare ribs, I usually end up improvising.

  3. Yum! Iffin' youse on a roll, come on by--lots of leftovers in this ice box (as Uncle calls a refrigerator)

  4. I am the QUEEN of the fridge clean concoctions. It's in the blood cuz!

  5. Sure looks tasty! Amazing what you can do with leftovers.

  6. I'll be right over as soon as the biscuits are done!

  7. Y'all come.
    I'm gonna need a bigger pot...

  8. Uff-da--we have a jug of that Oak Leaf stuff a settin' on the counter. You've given me an idea.
    I love hydrator stew. About to make some today, in fact. If I could just find a couple of beef bones locally.
    Thanks for the step-by-step. If only everyone approached cooking with such aplomb and fearlessness. And raw ingredients.
    One of my favorite pastimes: creeping on the contents of other people's carts at the grocery store. Mine looks like I stopped at the produce section and went straight to the cashier. Most folks I see, by contrast, seem to be doing the frozen/canned/bagged processed routine.

  9. Zick,
    I too study other carts contents and can report the same thing.
    I love it when the cashier notices and says, "Gosh, this is all healthy stuff."

    The funny thing is, cooking with raw and real is actually pretty fast food.

  10. wow. that looks delicious!

    how do you know that i'm not a robot specifically designed to type those silly little words?


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