
Friday, December 21, 2012

WINTER SOLSTICE SUNRISE 2012 ... I Can Feel The Earth Spinning.

Most days, I'm too busy whirling through my own day to feel the earth spinning, but there are days, ... moments really, when I can sense it.

Moments like this morning...

I raced out to Cedar Key in the predawn darkness today, worried that I had dawdled too long to catch the Winter Solstice sunrise over the marsh.

I made it on time, helped a little by some low clouds on the horizon that made the sun work a little harder to be seen.
Crossing the Number 4 bridge, I turned past the Marine Research station and parked in the boat ramp parking lot.
Before I opened the door to a cold, biting wind, I loaded my pockets with extra batteries, screwed on the monopod, and gulped my last cup of coffee.

The wind grabbed the JEEP's door and flung it wide open the minute I opened it.


The weather had changed over night from downright balmy yesterday afternoon to howling winds and heavy downpours overnight, followed by much colder (40's) and clear weather as dawn approached.

I waited a long time for the Sun to show up in a spherical, not just predawn glownificent fashion, but finally, it did.

After 40 minutes in the cold wind, the JEEP felt delicious as I hopped in and headed to work.
Mission accomplished.

I needed that island for a landmark, and just for the record ... since I will probably forget by the time the next solstice rolls around ... I am standing at the first boat ladder of the side dock, at the Number 4 bridge in Cedar Key, Florida.

(No, I won't forget the Cedar Key part, but which ladder could escape me a few months from now)

My goal is to photograph the sunrise from the same location at each solstice and equinox for one year.

Feel free to remind me!

Happy Winter!


  1. Thank you for sharing your sunrise. Simply beautiful!
    Of course, I'm thinking of all the trout and mullet that must be waiting for the sun to warm up the mud!
    Hope your Christmas is Merry!

  2. Lovely photos, and yay for a little more light every day now. Happy Holidays!

  3. Thanks for getting this sunrise. Looking forward to the rest. And that storom hit me as I was coming out of my tent in shorts at 3A to start the owling portion of a Christmas bird count. By the time I reached the count, I needed my long johns but had left them at home. I wore my nylon and fleece pants all day and two jackets most of the day. On Friday, I woke to a tent covered in frost. But its warm again today here in Galveston, Texas. riybkin

  4. One of the little perks of working on an island is a beautiful sunrise as you arrive.

  5. Beautiful photos. I like the idea of photographing the sunrise from the same spot with each change in season.

  6. Beautiful sunrise. Although I can't muster up too much sympathy for you having to endure 40 degree weather when it's in the single digits here.

  7. Beautiful solstice sunrise! We had rain on solstice, so no light through the morning trees.

    Happy winter!

  8. Merry Christmas to you and the whole FC clan!

  9. Merry Christmas to all of you commenting, following, or lurking PureFloridians! Thank you for coming here!

  10. Nice shots and tracking the solstices, making them real and not just an idea, is a worthwhile project.

  11. Beautiful sunrise! Have a wonderful New Year and a late merry Christmas.

  12. Another solstice freak. You're in good company, sir. I kinda love the equinox, too.


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