
Wednesday, January 16, 2013

NEW PUPS !! Welcome Coquina and Peanut


Meet "Coquina", the newest member of the Pure Florida clan.

She is named after the native shell rock of my home town, St. Augustine, Florida.

The tale of how we became hers, is another close encounter with my friend, Sara N. Dippity, but the details must wait for another post.

For now, know that she is just as awesomely snugglicious as she looks in that photo.
This is her equally snuggilificent brother, "PEANUT".
He is my daughter Emma's new puppy, and yes, he is from the same litter.
He REALLY is Coquina's brother.
These photos were taken the very first day that they joined us.

Since you are going to ask, Bear is adjusting very well to his new sister.
The first play bow came on the second day, after some muttering under his breath on the first day of Coquina's arrival.

This morning he was playing keep-a-way with her in the kitchen.

Her conquest is complete.

I promise, many more photos and the full tale of how we crossed paths.

It's plumb serendipitical..


  1. Oh, oh, be still mine heart! Puppies!!!! I am sure we will be reading of many wonderful new adventures now. You, Bear, and the new babies are all very lucky and so are we.

  2. So cute! Big awwhh! That first picture just caught my breath. I'd probably be calling her Coq (coke) for short. I thought coquinas where a small type of clam shell. Those pretty pastelly ones that are along the shoreline and dig themselves back in when the water goes down.

  3. Oh be stilll my heart. I had a choc lab that lived to be 15. He was the best dog ever. He looked just like your little one when he came to us. Lucky you. To have a brother so close too. Double luck. I am glad Bear can handle the youngsters.

  4. So, adorable! Wish the hubby could come meet you, he is working down in Orlando at Universal Studios for a job. He is working 7 days a week though and wouldn't have time to come meet you.

  5. Coquina has "old soul" eyes - way wiser than her years (or months). I suspect she'll be in charge very soon.

  6. 3C,
    I'm feeling pretty lucky to have her.

    You are correct. The coquina rock is a sedimentary rock formed from seashells.

    Lisa at Greenbow,
    We too had a wonderful chocolate lab bless us for 15+ years.

    Truly so.

    Your husbands timing is good! We have been in the 80's!

    I thought you might feel that way.

    No sign of wisdom yet, but she is pretty hilarious.

  7. My heart just turned to mush. I love puppies.

  8. adorable is that?! I am SO in love!

  9. Two of the luckiest puppies on the planet. What hearts and homes to find and call their own! Glad the two siblings will be part of the extended Pure Florida clan! Can't wait to watch them grow!

  10. OMG! they are so cute.
    Coquina reminds me of my chocolate Dobrador who was the bestest dog ever.
    Can't wait to read her story.

  11. Look at that face! No wonder people end up with multiple dogs! Can't wait to hear the "tale of the dog". Yes, pun intended. :o)

  12. Oh my, my, my... I am jealous!!

    (Not of your presumed sleepless nights and potty-training, however!)

    Looking forward to the stories...

  13. Em showed me the pics of Peanut the other day & the story of how you came by them. I am so jealous! I don't know if I could have passed up those faces.

  14. No empty nests a FC headquarters.
    Every house needs dogs, no exceptions!

  15. So cute. Can't wait to hear the rest of the story. We have a new puppy in our house too. One granddog moved to St. Augustine and another moved in. Will have to write about it when things settle down. If things settle down.

  16. Gotta love crazy Floridacrackers. Oh my goodness. Two. Twice the fun, twice the piddles.
    These dogs are going to get used to having their pictures taken, that's for sure.
    Happy birfday, FC (and Mrs. FC and Junior and Katie!!)
    I echo Robin Andrea's sentiment about those being the two luckiest pups on the planet. No argument there!


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