
Wednesday, April 10, 2013


Eight years ago yesterday, I clicked publish on my very first Pure Florida blog post ... and it promptly vanished into thin air.

That may have been the fault of the dial up modem I was using at the time, or a Blogger glitch. Whatever the case, I kept at it and here we are 8 years later. Writing Pure Florida has allowed me to meet people both virtually and in real life that I never would have crossed paths with had I not become a blogger.

Back then, 3 different labradors shared our home and my 3 kids were all in public
(not "GOVERNMENT"!) schools. Those 3 dogs are gone and yes, I still miss their frisky wet noses.
Those teenage kids are grown up (mostly), with two college grads and one still in college.
I miss them too, but they drop in from time to time.

The 2394 published posts here on Pure Florida focus mostly on my view of our wonderful Florida wildlife and natural areas, but sprinkled in there as seasoning are silly posts, dog posts ... some happy, some sad, family milestones, family loss, opinions, and some pretty awesome early April posts.

Although I shoot for daily posts, longtime readers have to have noticed a wider spacing since I switched my teaching location to Cedar Key. Six "preps" each day ... Comprehensive Science, Chemistry, Anatomy, Biology, Environmental Science, and Marine Science often takes all my blogging time.

I do love blogging  though, and I appreciate each and every comment you leave, even if I don't always get back to respond as much as I once did.

Recently, after a long resistance, I gave in and joined "Facebook".  That experience has made me love blogging all the more.  Facebook seems filled with reposts of wall posters with either religious,political, or nonsense themes. They aren't created by the poster just passed along. Most of the personal posts are wee tiny things, more appropriate to Twitter ...   "Eating lunch at McDonalds!" 
That's deep stuff.

I like the connections Facebook allows. It IS nice to get in touch  with friends old and new, but ... let's just say the content leaves me hungry for something real and substantial.

That hunger is why I will keep writing here at Pure Florida, and reading other blogger's posts on their sites. To me it's the difference between a solid satisfying meal and junk food.

So Pure Florida will remain my home, although I will no doubt bounce around Facebook often to see what the Face Bookians are up to.

Moving on ...there is one more birthday to celebrate here at PFHQ ...

Junior's awesome girl friend Alexis has a birthday today and I hope it has been a great one for her.
Alexis is smart, funny, and just a joy to be around.
I would go on about her,but
 ... I think the grins say it all.

Happy Birthday Alexis!


  1. congratulations!!! i may have read every one of your posts. and i say... well done.

  2. I've been reading most of those 8 years and I've really enjoyed your posts! It makes me miss Florida even more sometimes.

    You may remember this blogger because at one point they were a commenter or on your blogroll, but they wrote about swamp things from somewhere near Naples, maybe even Golden Gate Estates. Talked about nature but interjected political stuff about Florida too. I can't for the life of me remember who they were as their bookmark is long gone. Does this jog a memory or hey, if you are commenting here, is this you?

  3. Congratulations FC and happy birthday Alexis! Yours is one of my all-time favorites...haven't been reading for all of the eight years, but I haven't missed many posts since I came aboard. I enjoy Facebook, but blogging is where the real connections are.

  4. Thanks. I don't comment much but I read nearly every post. I followed your blog probably 4-5 years ago and it is my favorite (I subscribe to probably 100 blogs). I really enjoy reading about your projects and your photos are always great. Super creative, entertaining posts. Keep up the awesome work!

  5. You are the second blog today that is celebrating a blogiversary! I'm glad to see you plan on continuing your blog. I'm a facebooker too, but still prefer to read blogs. More details.

    Congrats and here's to many more!!

  6. I found your blog looking for something else, but was hooked from the first post I read. I ended up going back and reading all the way to the beginning. You inspired me to start my own blog in 2006 so I am a year behind you. Congratulations on all the years of interesting, funny, and inspiring posts!

  7. Congratulations on 8 years! And yes, you are exactly correct about FB versus blogging. In a way blogging seems to have fallen out of fashion, so to speak, and I've noticed a great drop in interest on my own blog, but I still prefer it over Facebook. Btw, I about choked when I saw you had gone to facebook!! what's the world coming to?? LOL!

  8. Love reading your blog, miss the FHA and pig pen, and your old dogs. Looking forward to more tales of Pure Florida.
    Tammy in Al.

  9. Congratulations. I just started my own blog a few months ago, and it has only deepened my respect for anyone who has consistently posted good stuff as much as you have.

  10. My thoughts exactly on Facebook. I use it mostly to keep up with what's going on at the local parks and preserves and have joined a handfull of local birding groups. The "I made pot roast for dinner and here's the picture." is annoying. I've since de-friended most of those "friends'.

    Glad I found your blog.

  11. Happy Anniversary to Pure Florida! I agree with you about the content differences between Blogger and Facebook. I'm glad we have all managed to stick with blogger after all these years, and luckily there are still really good stories to tell.

    Happy birthday to Alexis!

  12. Happy Blogger anniversary. I sure love coming here to see what's going on in your world!

  13. Misti,
    That was "ThingFish" and he wrote a blog called "Taming Of The Bandaide" about life on a skinny lot in Golden Gate. He may still be blogging, but that site seems to be gone from Blogger.

    Thanks to all for the PF birthday wishes and kindness.

    I had a neat little Floridian creature drop into my eager hands today and you know that means it will be showing up here soon!

  14. Congrats FC! Pure Florida has always been one of my favorite blogs; if it is eight years old, Sand Creek Almanac must be too. And I believe there is room for Facebook and blogging to coexist, and I am glad to have you as a friend in both worlds. :)

  15. P.s. I miss ThingFish. He was on Facebook for a while but disappeared from there too.

  16. Congrats! Happy Anniversary!
    Lynda in Michigan.

  17. Hey FC,

    Happy Anniversary to my favorite Florida blog. I especially like that you're in my "neck of the woods"!

    I am also on Facebook and love it. I am able to keep up with friends and family and get to look at pictures that I normally would not see. Don't do Twitter though. It's funny, but about 5 of my Facebook friends are people that I have meet on their blogs.

    The Internet certainly has made the world a smaller place. We are happy when things are good and feel the pain when they are not with our virtual friends.

    I am happy that I found you, and got some of that delicious cake from Mrs. FC!!!

    Happy Birthday to Alexis!


  18. I haven't commented often, but I eagerly await each post. Your life is interesting, I learn so much, but most of all I enjoy your love and care of the nature around you. Congratulations!

  19. You know I am one of your biggest fans! I love how you love your family, your home, your job, and all the critters here on God's green earth. I thank Vicki for pointing me to your blog. May you write for many years to come, and may you land a book deal one day. xoxo

  20. Julie Zickfoose introduced me to your blog and I'm so glad she did. I've enjoyed all your blogs and the information you have given on the flora and fauna of Florida.

  21. RickyHanson says congratulation and Happy Bday, great work, thank you for sharing it with the world. I enjoy your photos and stories very much and hope you continue for years to come.


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