
Wednesday, August 17, 2005

All right bug nerds, who is this pupating in my canna lilly. They have made little tubes by rolling the leaves into sleeping compartments as they melt down and reform into...? Posted by Picasa


  1. I bet it's not a bat, because bats only lay their "eggs" in women's hair. Heh!

    I have to do a lot more nature watching and studying before I can even begin to guess what these things are. I'll go with TF23 because he/she always seems to know what he/she is talking least it impresses me.

    (PS. Apologies to Thingfish23 for not knowing if you are a he or a she...but, I can't tell from your picture. Heh!)

  2. Oh! My bad, Mr. Thingfish23, sir. Just read your profile.

  3. Nerd Boy, here:

    I guess it's a butterfly cocoon like the butterfly in the picture below.

  4. I am betting that Thingfish is correct. It makes sense, we have a lot of skippers around here.

  5. Hey, welcome Nerd Boy. I just realized that was you. Thanks for commenting. Keep an eye out for bats...


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