
Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Those Were The Days...


Too busy with end of the semester stuff to be creative, so I am forced to slip into nostalgia ...

Ahhh, those were the days, when you didn't yet have to worry about jobs, bills, wives, children, ...

... or good haircuts.

Have a great Tuesday! Posted by Picasa


  1. Oh yeah, back in the day...

  2. LOL, the 70's.. when we thought we were so cool...

    Maybe I should put on "Yesterday" this morning instead of Christmas carols!

    Good luck with your end of semester chaos. My girls are itching to get out of school right now and I think the feeling is contagious; their friends seem restless, too.

    Concentration levels must be at an all time low. Or is that the case for your students? I really feel for the teachers right now!

  3. I can't believe how much Junior looks like you. It's amazing. You two have one face.

    Good luck with end of semester stuff.

  4. Nice largemouth bass.

    I think my kids are also feeling the pre- Christmas vacation restlessness at school.

  5. I second (or is it third?)the opinions of roger and robin andrea. Amazing resemblance.
    Nice fish too!
    BTW, my next younger brother had hair like that too. And one day he was cutting a board with a circular saw and his hair wound up in it and suddenly he very nearly became a two-faced fool. We bought him some pony tail holders after that.

  6. my husband has hidden all the photos of himself from that era. according to the evidence i once saw, he had thick curly hair down to his waist. the children are skeptical, based on dad's current short hairstyle, and the increasing hair-free sectors.

    daughter is quite anxious for the break, too, but finals are next week. after school today, she has an eye exam, a college application essay to revise, projects to work on for physics and a diversity class, and orchestra practice. i think she just realized that some of the projects mighta coulda been started earlier.

  7. and that, my friend...explains SO much about your child! LOL! (so what happened to MINE???)

  8. Kevin,
    We were too cool.

    Too young, thank you very much!

    You mean we weren't???
    Yes, the kids are squirrelly right now, but so are the teachers! Our exams are next week, just getting ready!

    roger,Robin, and ThreeCollie,
    Hey major brownie points earned! I'm always hearing how he looks like Mrs. FC so it was nice to be noticed :)

    Kathy A,
    Sounds like our schedule. Crazy busy. Poor kids!
    Yes, those pesky hair free areas... hard to imagine back in the '70's

    I really can't explain it ... contamination due to contact with mine??? Lack of gel??? It's a conundrum...

  9. Deb,
    Thanks, he's pretty small by FL largemouth standards, I'd release him today ... after a picture!

  10. "Ahhh, those were the days, when you didn't have to worry about jobs, bills, wives, children,..."

    So exactly how many wives do you have to worry about these days?

  11. Kevin,
    It's an aura we just can't shake.

    Shhhhhhhhh.... darn those Freudian slips!


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