Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Baby Turtle Update

It's that time, when you might find yourself wondering... yet again, "I wonder how FC's baby sliders are doing?"

They are doing great, growing, eating, doing all kinds of turtley activities.
It's been almost a year since their eggs were rescued from the driveway nest and I've nutured them through the winter, but soon I'll be releasing them. A few have already gone to new homes, but these will return to my pond and local waters. (If you're new to Pure Florida, do a turtle search of this blog for past posts)

I dipped up some tiny crawfish for the turtles to practice predation on, but overnight they molted and emerged too large for tiny turtle terrors, so the crawfish are temporary tenants with the turtlings.
It'll be tough to let these turtles go, they have been a fixture in my kitchen and I'll miss the daily routine of carrying them out to sun in the back yard all day, and then back in at night.

On a more serious note, today my thoughts are with Thingfish23 of "The Taming Of The Bandaid" blog. He's had a great loss in his family.
In this community of strangers who feel like friends, joy and sadness are shared and felt across great distances by people who have never met ... an amazing side effect that I never expected when I began blogging, but perhaps one of the best aspects of the community.
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robin andrea said...

So sorry to hear about Thingfish's loss. You're right about this online community. One of the most surprising outcomes of blogging, the sweet affection we feel for each other.

Your turtles are so healthy and beautiful. They look like they will thrive and prosper always!

Anonymous said...

So did you name the turtles, and if so, how can you tell them apart? ;) They do look awfully contented in that tank, great pic!

And my sympathies to Thingfish, I am so sorry to hear this news. :(

R.Powers said...

It is a wonder this connectivity and familiarity with folks not met. Fascinating really.
These turtles tickle me even tho, I know there's not a lot going on inside that turtle brain.

No names for the very reason you say, although the runt is called "Squirtle" and I'm told he can not be released... by the boss. She named him.

Deb said...

Nice lookin' babies! Hope those turtles can get used to living outside of the lap of luxury you have provided. The name "Squirtle" sounds familiar...from a video game I think.

I'll be thinking of Thingfish; as I recall he sent me a kind email when my mom passed away. This is really an amazing, unlikely community.

Sandy Hatcher-Wallace said...

There is a kindship among blogging friends and I'm sorry to hear that one of them is feeling the sorrow of the loss of a loved one.

You have done an excellent job with your baby turtles...they are so cute. It's hard to believe the a crawfish will grow so much overnight. I see the tiniest ones in our creek that would be perfect food for your little babies. I wish I could email them to you.

Anonymous said...

Unless you blog, you don't know and it is hard to explain to someone the kinship that you feel with people you have never met. Tonight, at all you can eat shrimp night at 4th Street Shrimp Store, I wondered aloud if Vicky might be sitting at the next table. I talked about the cool shrimp FC harvests on the east coast and wondered on the way home about a bird that I know Sophie would know the name of. I thought about Hurricane Teen when my own teenage son told me about a cool thing he saw in his swamp today. I commented that spring is finally coming to Minnesota and asked my family how they pronounce the word "floor". And I said how sorry I was that Thingfish's dad had died. My family all looked at me strangely when I mentioned friends who I have never met but who kindly give me a glimpse in their lives every day. Unless you are a blogger, you can't know, but I appreciate each one. It is a community and makes this big scary world a little smaller and much more special. I have often been reluctant to make a link to my blog, but it doesn't seem fair since you all share your world with me. True, blogger sometimes doesn't let me use my blogger name, but you are welcome to my world if you would like to come. There's a novel in the works (very rough draft), but journal entries from January back.

OldHorsetailSnake said...

Your concern for all things great and small has brought me a lot of joy, so I know exactly what you're saying.

Dr. Know said...

Went back and looked at the entire turtle series. Having embarked on numerous wildlife rescue missions myself, it struck a chord.

I've "aided" chipmunks, rabbits, silkworm moths, blue jays, cardinals, bats, owls, etc. Nature is wonderful, yet the bulk of humanity shows little interest in proper stewardship.

As Georgia native who lived in Florida from 1993 to 2000, leaving when the GA NeoCon threats followed me there, I regret the loss of the natural Florida that existed when I was a child visiting aunts and uncles in St. Petersburg. Used to dive the piers in the gulf and marvel at the tiny colored shrimp, the St. Majors, blennies and such. Last time I tried looking in 1998, I saw nothing but oil stains.

R.Powers said...

I checked witht the game experts and you are right about Squirtle... Pokemon.

They have been remarkably easy and entertaining.

Cathy S,
I thought there must be a blog attached to you. I will be dropping by soon.
Very well said above. My family is used to me talking in a similar way.

Were you being serious ...?

Dr. Know,
It's extra painful if you knew it "back then".