Back in 1989, just as we started construction on PFHQ, my wife brought home the cutest little colicy pup of a girl to stay with us.
She was a little (OMG!!!) cranky for a few (SEEMED LIKE YEARS!!!) months. Apparently she was just flushing out any and all fussiness, for after the colic passed, she became, and still is, the biggest sweetheart you would ever want to meet.
We are pretty crazy about her.
She's 20 today. We had to celebrate last weekend, because she is away at college studying hard and making great grades.
Just like her Daddy did (NOT ALWAYS DO) when he was in college.
Happy Birthday baby girl.
I love you.
Happy 20th Birthday Emma!
Happy birthday to Emma! When I first started visiting Pure Florida, Emma was 16, Katie was still in high school, and Jr was a kid. Where does the time go?
Happy Birthday to Emma!
Thanks everyone!! Thanks Papa I love ya!!
Happy Birthday, Emma! If you'd waited a few days, she could have shared a birthday with Secretariat!
You do know that mom and dad are SO proud of you. You can tell they've been sharing quite a few misty moments when they think of you at school. Check out the empty Kleenex box!! See!!
EMMA! Happy Birthday! :)
I got married when I was 20...
Happy Birthday Emma!!!!
happy birthday Emma!
Happy Birthday Emma!
Thanks Everybody!
You're not going to scold Mrs. Mel dad??? hahaha - love you, bug
Yea! Happy Birthday Emma!
Happy Birthday!
She sure looks like her mother (lucky her).
Conan, great book.
With a smile like that, I can't believe she was ever cranky for even a minute!
Happy Birthday to Emma! This was a great week for birthdays. Youngest son turned 18.
Nice looking young lady, FC, she obviously takes after her mom.
Emma, Happy birthday!
As for ImagineMel, don't even suggest such a thing! Most likely, being a typical dad, no one will ever be good enough to steal her away from FC et al.
Oooo - lovely cake. And lovely girl!
Happy Birthday, Emma!
hehe...I figured that'd get a reply from Dad. I was going to throw in there that I was pregnant with Lauren when I was 21. :) same age as some other FC offspring...
Not EVER getting married was my goal at that age.
Thanks to everyone for the happy wishes!
Happy Birthday Emma!! :)
Happy B-Day Emmy. It was great to see you again!
Lightnin and Thunder
Happy birthday Emma and you sure are a pretty girl.
When you lay down roots, that's a tree that continually bears fruit ... years later. I wonder how people can just move around without any.
Happy 2oth Emma,
Enjoy Conan.
Now that is some real reading right there.
Ask your dad about his 8th grade novel.
Oh man, you have a great memory.
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