
Saturday, August 06, 2011

Here's Your Stinking Answer!

These have a really foul smell.

It's a stink horn fungus.
I knew it was there, long before I saw it in the lawn.
The name is apt.


  1. Ah!!!! And how does one get rid of them? As I've discovered, sometimes it's very hard to get rid of something you don't want. Banana trees are like grey hairs - three more grow in for every one you get rid of!

  2. Wow, those are really cool! Though maybe it wouldn't be so cool to actually have them near your house...

  3. This looks different than the ones in the mulch in my garden. They do stink. pu.

  4. Wow! What crazy, crazy stuff we have here in Florida. Husband (who's from Australia) always says the flora and fauna here remind him of Jurassic Park, it's so "wild" and "jungle -y!" hehe I think the stink horn fungus looks ancient and alien.

  5. Possibly because we've had such poor rainfall, I haven't seen my stinkhorns this year. I kind of miss them because they've given a lot of people a few laughs! Your photo is particularly lurid! I wrote more about them on my blog: Or Are You Just Glad to See Me?

  6. The name makes me scared to even imagine what that must smell like... Nasty!

  7. Good job guessers and knowers!
    Fungi are soooooo weird ... like alien life forms sometimes.


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