Friday, September 23, 2005

Just a token shark shot to go with my bait story. This little guy was cruising the flats in about a foot of water. Posted by Picasa


KFarmer said...

just looking at that rascal makes me curl my toes up!

Rebel POW said...

FC, your Bait Swimming story reminds me of the old Far Side cartoon. The one with the diver hand feeding a school of fish. Next panel the diver is all alone. The caption was... 'Nature's subtle signs of danger'.

Certainly enjoy your blog. Glad I found it.

R.Powers said...

I know...that used to be our reaction too, but now it's more of a ho hum...there's a shark...

It's a little different with the big ones!

There are no better cartoons than the Far Side. Glad you enjoyed the tale. Actually, I'm glad to be here to tell it.

Karen Schmautz said...

I love Far Side and I love that particular cartoon.

"ho hum...there's a shark..."? I can imagine myself saying, "Ho, hum...there's a turkey", or "Another day, another deer", but "ho hum...there's a cougar"? Different places, different predators.

That's why I'm a lake swimmer.


R.Powers said...

I bet you mountain types are as blase about a skinny black bear as I am about small sharks.
This bait swim really was a one time deal...I learn from my mistakes. Really, I do...
P.S. glad you are back.

Weary Hag said...

Beautiful picture ~ ohhhh do I miss working at the aquarium. *sigh*

Anonymous said...

So does this shark find enough to eat in this area? He seems so visible that any prey would run and hide. And with the water so shallow, would any prey be in the area anyway? Enlighten this landlubber.

Ok, blogger hates me again.


R.Powers said...

Hey AnonPablo,
He could be just passing through, but a lot of small sharks are opportunists and the sandy shallows are full of crabs buried in the mud. With the ampullae of Lorenzini sensors beneath his snout, the shark can sense the buried crab and eat him...even if he can't see him.

What aquarium?

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, I'd forgotten about those ampullae of Lorenzini sensors! How could that have happened?


R.Powers said...

Electroperception...the shark can pick up the bioelectric field all living things generate...
Re: your blogger cold shoulder...have you tried flowers? candy? And just so you know...I clicked on your link yesterday and got a "YOU ARE NOT AUTHORIZED TO VIEW THIS SITE" message. A click later and it was gone.