Greetings from your migrating Robins!

We're fine. The weather is chilly, but nothing like Minnesotarctica.

It rained too, so there's plenty of water to drink ... and it's Florida, so there's always delicious bugs to eat.

Some fellow travelers have shown up at the resort and we are meeting lots of new friends.
There are some weird folks down here though ...

...we think this guy is stalking us!
Somebody who looks sorta beardy....
Tell those robins we are developing lots of worms under this blanket of snow...just for them.
An unusual number of robins decided to stay in Minnesota this year. They're probably regretting it. I think our late robins finally gave up and left.
Hmmm, So lovely to hear from the dear Robins. Now if only it was spring. And they could come back for a visit!
Elizabeth loves seeing the robins when they visit. Unfortunately, they didn't show up this year for us.
Do you only use the lens that came with your camera? Leaning very hard in the direction of the DSC-H50. Love your results.
We have Robins all year. The hummers migrate and many species pass through on their way to the tropics. They pig out at the feeders and leave their "Thanks" on the windshield.
Stalking? No law against taking pictures of odd birds in public - or we wouldn't have crotch shots of Britany Spears circulating the Intertubes. And if said strange birds show themselves and pose for shots, there is certainly no real concern. Yet Objects In Mirror are closer than they appear. BoogaBooga.
You could always ask them how they feel about it - maybe they'll have the common good manners to respond. Excepting those twitty Rose Breasted Grossbeaks who think they are better than the other birds.
No robins here yet ... maybe soon.
We haven't had any robins in our area,yet.Just plenty of cardinals,and sooo many hawks this year.
I give you permission to enjoy our robins for only a few more weeks. They always show up here right around my birthday (3rd week of February).
I do so miss my Robins, years ago I raised one from an egg, it had stormed and he was tossed out.
Yep, I think that bird has you pegged - ha ha.
Hey, if you want to see the most amazing fossilized-shell-embedded rock, then check out my photoblog.
In Tallahassee the robins for many years would come through regularly on February 20 (as I recall). Some time in the mid-eighties the robins started coming earlier, and every year after that a little bit earlier. This year they were just through here a few days ago.
Not just the harbinger of Spring, but also the harbinger of Global Warming?
Too cute;-)
P.S. I am happy to hear about your brother's impending nuptials, even if it seems a bit sudden. Last you wrote, he was single, and I had high hopes of meeting him myself, therefore ingratiating myself into your family...(labs, wildlife loving hubby & BIL, house on stilts to vacation in.. etc etc). Oh well.. you know what they say: "Men are like parking spaces - all the good ones are taken and the rest are________ "
No offense.. just a joke!
P.P.S. I am stopping through St. Augustine on Sat en route to Savannah. Do you also recommend Theo's for lunch, or just breakfast. I would like a nice lunch place to take my Pa, if not too much trouble. (Not too expensive though). Also, I assume I can pickup the Datil pepper sauce anywhere? I have been there several times before, but am now on the lookout (see what an effect blogging can have?) Amazing;-)
One hardy robin comes in to my birdbath every day here in the Black Hills. Heater keeps open water. He doesn't bathe with quite the vigor he has in July, and he only wades in when the air temperature is 31 degrees or higher. He and the blue jay mob can empty the water out in record time.
I'm beardy cause it's dang cold down here right now ... 26 degrees at this moment (9:33 pm, 1.21.09)
They are probably frozen to some tree branch somewhere, second guessing themselves!
Soon come, but I think you have a little more winter to get through based on the fact that it is waaaay cold down here.
They may show up now cause it's really cold throughout the state.
So far, I only use the built in lens. There are some accessory lenses, but I don't own them.
This little patch of hardwood forest next to the puddles was alive with robins ... hundreds of them.
Maybe this cold will chase them to you!
Chris and Jon,
Lots of hawks here too. I think they are dining on robin!
Miz S,
Now THAT was a long labor ... the whole 3rd week of February? Were you a large infant?
I raised a few jays and mockers when I was a kid. Never any robins because they are only a winter visitor here.
I always want to see amazing fossil rocks! Will do.
Interesting. My aunt used to eat them. (Not you Aunt Shelba ...)
Lady Jane,
No offense just laughing my ___ off. Well, he waited 56 years dear, you just missed him!
Theo's has a very good lunch according to everyone I've heard from. I only get there for breakfast, so I can't vouch for it personally, but I can't imagine it would be anything but great!
Schooners is another fine local, mom and pop restaurant that sells a very good datil sauce. Go there for a great seafood lunch or dinner. They have a web site, not sure about Theos.
I lived in Savannah for 3 years, great place!
I only swim when the air temp is 31 or higher too!!
Yowza, I didn't know winter birds bothered to bathe.
Maybe, I should check 'em both out.. hmmm.
Thanking you kindly.. xx
does the beard really keepk you warm? if so why doesn't NOT shaving my legs work in much the same way? haha... :)
i missed a whole week of posts egads. hope piggy is doing better. you could always bring him in the house.
The moc post is just plain ole crazy but so glad you posted it. as it confirmed the one i found last month. yikes.
sorry to hear about your pops leg. Theos sounds great and i will make a point of going there when in that area. :)
Poor bear. always in trouble. so glad to be back and see your posts.
when i was growing up, a friend's mom used to buy worms from the bait store for the robins that arrived when the ground was still frozen. she was a substitute teacher, and she scared the stuffin' out of all of us - no one misbehaved in her classes! - and the image of this dragon lady tossing worms to the robins still tickles me.
I just love robins. Great shots.
I'm shocked, I tell you. First I find that people have no sense of humor, women are nuts, lawyers are crooks, and then I find that birds take baths in 34 degree weather. I watch them 1 foot from the window pecking at the ice when it freezes. And as soon as it melts, there they go again. What do they think this is, Sweden? I'll have none of that, I tell you.
What's next? Pluto's not a planet? Politicians are liars? The sun doesn't revolve around the earth?
You guys gotta get rid of all that cold weather before I get down there next week. I hope the robins are right about there being lots of bugs, I'd love to give them some competition in the bug catching department.
Very cool self portrait.
Lady Jane,
I do not think you will be disappointed!
I feel the beard when the wind blows. Then it seems to make a difference. Glad you're back!
Even dragons like Robins.
Welcome to Pure Florida! Glad you liked the shots!
Whoa! The decaf is in the green package! :)
Actually, the nice (sorry) thing about winter here is the absence of most buggybiters. Hope you find some tho!
And they'd be right!!!! I was expecting to see more icicles in that little drinking hole. It's been COLD!
Objects in mirror are closer than they appear - an hairier, too.
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