Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Fringe Tree Fragrance Finally

The fringe tree near the pump house is in full bloom this week.

Fringe tree is a native tree that really shines this time of year. After these flowers, will come small fruits that go from green to black.

Last night, in the still quiet air, Bear and I paused near the fringe tree while he pondered the meaning of a distant coyote yip.
As I stood there, a faintly sweet perfume caught my attention.
In all these years, I had never really smelled any fringe tree fragrance, but it was there last night.

I learn so much when Bear takes me for a walk.


threecollie said...

I love the fragrances of spring, whether as loud as a lilac or as subtle as a maple tree.

robin andrea said...

Very pretty tree, and so interesting that you hadn't ever smelled its flowering fragrance before. Are the fruits edible (for humans)?

Bill said...

I have one of these trees and we were taking pictures of it this morning. It is about to run it's course. They only last a short while and then they get leafy. We can smell ours this year also. Some years we can and some not. Thanks for sharing.


Anonymous said...

Hi FC,

What a beautiful tree! I have never seen one.

Yessirreebob, we can lean a lot from our four legged friends.


Anonymous said...

FC-Obviously Flounder was nowhere near, LOL!

R.Powers said...

I always wonder at your grape flower scent. I have never smelled that.

As far as I know, they are not.

It is a short run, but it's a good one.

Mine teach me the neatest stuff.

Flounder's scent is unique in it's own way ... ahem. He actually had a bath by the way.

SophieMae said...

It seems this year's petals are particularly perfumey.

Just caught your Bear fetch veejo - fighting trojans for 3 days now >:\ - and had to LOL. He does show amazing self-control, not helping hisownself.

h said...

Pretty! According to the map, Chionthantus Virginicus doesn't grow naturally in Troll County but I think I've seen them.

LaDivaCucina said...

I love how doggies force one to get out and into the world.

Meems said...

I've been hankering for one of those for a couple of years now. I'm a little leary of making the purchase since I've never seen one growing this far south. Yours surely is convincing if it was just beauty and natural appeal I could count on... although you are a few counties north. It's the same with the Redbuds I'd love to grow.

Enjoy all that pretty fringe... and fragrance. For now, I'll have to be happy with the confederate jasmine sweetly scenting the entire vegetable garden.

R.Powers said...

I read that Trojan news on your site. Hope you defeat it.

They are abundant here and hard to miss right now.

La Diva,
Just one of their many fine attributes!

Pretty soon it will be hanging with those little fruits. It's not guaranteed that I can beat the wildlife to them, but I could send you a seed if I do.
Email me if you are interested.

Danielles Garden said...

I've never noticed one of these trees. I get up that way a lot, but I guess I've never noticed it. I'm down in zone 9b slash 10

R.Powers said...

They are easily missed when not blooming, but hard to miss in the week that they do.

Alice In Wonderland Rocks said...

I'm so happy I came across your blog, my family genealogy are mainly crackers. The tree is very pretty, I don't think I've ever seen one. I have a feeling I'm going to enjoy your blogs.