a name
I want to tell you about my walk on the Sandspit last night, but am forcing myself to wait for the photos.With town a 30 mile round trip, and an already scheduled Veterinarian visit...I am trying to be responsible and do everything on one trip ($2.95/gallon = local gas price) Since I use film, they have to be developed first.
What? Oh, film...well, before digital cameras, people used to make pictures on a roll of thin plastic coated with a light sensitive emulsion. Now here's the weird part, you actually have to wait...yes, I used the word WAIT... for your pictures to be developed by other people.
Developed? Uhm, well...with film you don't know if your shots are good or not until they are d-e-v-e-l-o-p-e-d...it's kind of like a green tomato on the vine ripening into a juicy red treat...only a little faster.
A few diehards still use the stuff, this FILM, mostly because they bought a brand new film camera just before digitals became affordable.
So, in a nutshell, I will post again after returning from a 1:30pm vet appointment/photo development/errand trip. Right now, I need to finish my coffee and give Flounder and Feather a bath so the vet will think we are responsible pet owners.
Regarding the picture...what are your lunch plans today?
Heh! "in a nutshell"...great choice of words after being outside in a full moon and all.
Lunch...I haven't even had breakfast yet, but I will probably have a leftover smoked pork chop with salad for lunch.
Then I will watch the next storm come in. Sigh. We did have one day rain-free.
Uh oh! Responsible pet owners bathe their pets? You know I am always the last to know, but when did that start? I thought it was responsible of me last year when I took my dog to the pet clinic and offered to let the vet go out to the truck to give her the shots, so as not to expose the other pets and pet owners to the aftermath of her previous night's run-in with a skunk. Geez! I was supposed to give her a bath? Hm. . . Well, all I can say is that we are having an unseasonably warm April, and that dog is in and out of the creek all day long. I don't think the effects of a bath would last long enough to make it worth my time and effort. So sue me. Better yet, anyone who wants to rescue her from this torture can come get her. (Oh, and be ready to pick up dead animals that she kills and drags up by the porch on a regular basis - don't want to miss one of those on a warm summer morning, 'cuzz by nightfall. . .ewwwww!)
A half sandwich on a half plate. Very interesting. Where did the other halves go?
We usually eat brunch around 11:00. The other day dpr whipped up a great frittata. Sometimes we fend for ourselves, and I usually have fruit, yoghurt, and cereal.
Looking forward to your sandspit pics.
Appropriate lyrics for your Florida photo post:
"Some day my prints will come!"
My lunch, during the week, is a granola bar at my desk. On the weekends it is common for Libby and me to eat lunch out as we are dashing here and there on errands and other responsibilities.
Leftover seafood fettucine from last night's dinner, heated in the microwave here at work. Then I think I'll go for a walk. Or maybe rollerblading!
film...I vaguely remember something like that...
Okay...second time trying to post. If this post pops up twice, I apologize in advance.
I have finished my lunch of left over flank steak (I saved the smoked pork chop for Uber-husband) and salad with...
wait for it...
Selmos! I always forget to tell you that I love, love, love Selmos. I used champagne vinegar this time and I didn't have any fresh tarragon so I used dried (hangs head in shame). Tell your mom thanks for letting you share the recipe.
Now...where's the photos or your midnight adventure?
My lunch was leftover grouper and hushpuppies while trying to catch more fish. It was a great day on the river.
I'm taking a digital camera to Kuwait. That way more people can enjoy my misery of being so far from home. I prefer my Minolta x-700 though, I bought before my daughter was born. She'll be 21 next Friday.
For lunch, I had a ham, American cheese, and lettuce sandwich, carrots, red grapes, and part of a sourcream stick donut.
A film camera. I used one recently when I didn't have an appropriate digital camera handy. Boy, how I missed not being able to see how my pictures turned out immediately. But we use what we must.
I tried posting to one of your posts a few days ago; but it wouldn't go through. Oh well.
3 words: one hour developing.
can't wait for the photos!!
My ESP tells me your next post will include .. wait... it's becomming clear now ... a compass.
I'll check in tomorrow to see how accurate this prediction is..
Hey Everybody,
The errands took way longer and then there were soccer games from 6 to 10 so the posting happened much later than advertised.
Sorry about that.
Well I did post a comment then closed the window instead of posting - duh.
Lunch - anything left over from the night before or lately celery with a little cream cheese or peanut butter.
Mmmm...raspberry...that's my favorite.
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