Remember back in 2006, how I dug up the driveway turtle nest, nurtured the eggs, and hatched out a clutch of turtles?
Remember how I have updated you often regarding their progress?
Well, here I go again.
The pond has stayed dry for almost as long as I have had these turtlings, so some of them are still with me. This has NOTHING to do with the fact that they are charming and fun to have around.
So wipe that smug, knowing look off your face.
I am simply providing a temporary home until the pond fills again.
Yesterday, I ran into the cute little boy whose Grandma (she works cleaning the school) asked me for a baby turtle over a year ago. She wanted to give it to him as a Christmas present as he loves turtles.
He's about 8.
He calls me "Turtle Man" and I call him "Turtle Guy".
He started the conversation by telling me I'm his best friend.
I'm not of course, we don't even see each other that much, but it was his way of telling me he really likes his turtle.
" Do I have to let my turtle go?"
"Why would you do that?"
"It's getting so big."
"Well, he has to have room to live. Can you just get a bigger home for him?"
"Maybe. I'll ask Grandma."
"You do that and if you have to let him go, I can babysit him for you."
And off he went to take care of 8 year old business.
Poor lad, he's fallen for that turtle and gotten completely attached to it.
Unlike me.
I'm only keeping mine because the pond is dry.
No, really. That is the reason.
Okay, I see the doubt in your eyes, so I'm changing the topic.
"Thank you for applying to the Aquaculture Immersion Excursion Teacher Workshop at Harbor Branch, sponsored by FDACS Aquaculture Review Council. We received 80 applications from elementary, middle, high school, and community teachers from all over the state. Applications were reviewed by a committee and ranked according to content, how the educator/teacher would use the curriculum, and how many students would be exposed to the curriculum (i.e., represent a variety of schools and geographical locations). We have selected 50 participants for the workshops.
We are pleased to inform you that your application was favorably reviewed and you have been accepted. Congratulations! We are excited to share this experience with you and look forward to meeting you."
When the announcement for this training arrived via email a few months ago, I just stared at the screen in disbelief.
If I were designing a training and a place I would most love to attend, this was it. Harbor Branch is the Mecca of aquaculture research and education.
So I applied instantly.
Then, I waited. The deadline for applications was April 17, so it was a long wait, but today I got the great news!
So, as soon as this school year ends, I'm heading south to be immersed in Aquaculture at a place I've always wanted to visit.
What a nice way to end the week.
WOOT about your acceptance! you will have a grand time, and i suspect you will share as much with your fellow students and the staff as you receive, which you will naturally be passing along to students. you're all about ecosystems, after all.
as for the turtles -- stewardship is a good thing. even if it is sometimes motivated by cuteness of the creature, and/or wild inexplicable love on the part of the steward. (reference, e.g., human children, who sometimes aren't very easy.)
We found 5 baby turtles in our swimming pool last week. 3 survived to find a new home with my daughter's science teacher. I've found turtles on my pool deck before, but was still surprised to find babies living in my pool.
Congrats, you 'ol softie!
Now you have to work in the summer, too.
I know you will enjoy it.
Congrats Papa!!! Sounds really awesome! I just finished two final exams and only have two left! Can't wait to be home soon! Love ya!
Congratulations! That is just wonderful.
Nice video too. I am so glad I turned the sound up for it.
Hmmmm, the word verification today is
Congratulations! They picked the best. I bet you were ranked #1. As evidence read the first part of your post and how you are impacting that next generation of conservationists!
WTG! Ft. Pierce, right? What a wonderful way to spend (part of) the summer! Will you be there 2 weeks or are there 2 different programs?
word for the day: plywoebi (*;*)
way to go, FC! plan to wander up to Brevard County to the Barrier Island Center while you're on our coast.
your turtle pix made me lonesome for Pavlov and Anna, my Florida box turtles now living at Forever Florida, as well as Burn-adette, a Florida box turtle that survived a fire that turned her shell white. I'll dig out the photo and post it one of these days. marge
Kudos to you,on everything!What a great learning experience for you AND your future students.
And even on the turtles,which our's seem to love our swimming pool for some reason.we live on a lake.Why can't they stay there?
I'm so happy for you!
Your turtles look so content lounging around in their nice little pond. Not a bad life at all.
Alriiiiiight! Congrats, Turtle Guy.
Like everyone else I have to say congradulations!!!! I love the turtles, if I lived close I would have to get a baby,too!!!
um. riiiiiggghhhhtt. the pond is dry. of course. they ARE adorable! i like turtles.
and your chirping birds are fantastic - i could spend many happy hours there, watching your turtles and listening to the birds. :-)
Congrats on being accepted! I suspect they didn't even have to think twice about your application. :)
And of course, I know you're SO anxious to get rid of those turtles...hang in there! ;)
You rock FC!!! Congrats on being one of the lucky 50!
Also. Turtles are SO cute! I can understand not letting them loose until the "pond is full". And even then how can you be sure the pond will stay full for long enough?
Thanks y'all!
One more reason to look forward to the end of the school year!
Wow, fc, turtles and good news all in one post. Excellent, all of it.
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