Wednesday, November 12, 2014


I love pelicans.
pThey phelp pme picture pterodactyls.

On the way to work, as luck would have it, the brown pelicans were feeding. As a different type of luck would have it, they were feeding, with a glaringly bright morning sun behind low and behind them.

If only they had been on the other side of the bridge!
Still, we are there when we are there, and better to have tried and failed than to have not shot at all.
The same light looked like this on the other side of the bridge.
I love these winter tides that drain the marshes so completely, concentrating nervous fish in the remnant waters, and exposing mudflats to beaucoup birds who feast on the invertebrate food bar for a few hours, until the water returns.

Low tide and the living is easy.
Unless, you are a mullet or a tidal flat invertebrate.


Marilyn Kircus said...

Pelicans are gorgeous, no matter how much detail you can see on them. And you gave me a challenge in trying to read your title. I'm somewhat dyslexic, and for the first time, I saw letters hoping around and the p's separating from the words. But after I read your blog, I could get your intended chuckle.

Anonymous said...

Ptotally pcool!

Julie Zickefoose said...

That's got to be a ferociously difficult learning curve, figuring out how to angle your bill just right to enter the water hard without breaking your young neck.
LOVE your new Osprey header!! Fattest mullet on earth!

JB3 said...

I always pictured them as fighter squadrons when i see them cruising just over the water in formation. Interestingly enough, most pelicans die from starvation. They have issues from detached retinas after years of slamming into the water after fish. They can't see after that happens to find their prey.

angie said...

wow, was für tolle bilder!!! einen schönen abend wünscht angie