Friday, November 04, 2005

In Case You Were Wondering What To Do Saturday Night...

If your dance card isn't full Saturday night you might want to dash over to the local speedway and catch the "CRASH-A-RAMA". There'll be your basic demolition derby, a boat trailer race, and a school bus race.

The souped up school buses will race a figure 8 track with the resulting intersection crashes for extra excitement.

I don't understand the attraction of cars racing around and around a track, but there are plenty of people who do. This place will be packed to the gills on Saturday night and those folks will have a great time. More power to ' the song says, " You do your thing, and I'll do mine."

I think my problem with spectator sports is...I like to do and not spectate.
I have a hard time sitting on my butt watching someone else excell at something. I keep thinking, " Man, I should be doing something."

I am a terrible fan.

...except when it's my kid out there excelling.

That's different. Posted by Picasa


R.Powers said...

I can't risk my nerds...we have one more match and then a tournament...

Weary Hag said...

I'm SO with you on the racing thing... but I'm worse. The thing is, the plot never changes. Everyone starts out then there's some dust flying and a fender bender or two, and someone wins. It's over.

Just yesterday, I was reading some blogs and Ed was downstairs turning on the set... I called to him "Anything to watch?" He said, "Well we can watch cars going round and round in circles or many, many people running around the streets of New York (marathon)." My failure to even respond prompted him to turn off the set again and put on some wonderful 40s big band music. Good times!

R.Powers said...

I hear ya.

Miz S said...

I don't get watching cars race around a track but I LOVE demolition derbies. Good times.